So I see that this thread has generated continued interest and that in turn generates some interest for me. It's not like mislabeled items up for sale on eBay are a rarity. Then I read the transcript of the exchange between Craig and the melodiously named Starfish378.
And thus the subject has turned from a matter of mistaken attribution to a matter of core ethicality. This is indeed a weighty matter for this august forum and it's learned members to offer their reflection.
Is Starfish378, of Posie's Uniques, indeed an "honest seller"? Or is she a base villain. And, are there other options somewhere in between?
I have read through the treatises put forth by the learned forum members and given them deep consideration, as well as the recorded writing of Starfish378. And it raises some interesting points.
In her first response, Starfish378 (my goodness what a lovely alias to have created) demonstrates her remarkable mental faculty for storing deep wells of knowledge on the objects that she is selling, as well as her equally deep commitment to scholarship and research.
In her response to Craig's most learned and reasonable suggestion that other possible attributions might be made, the lovely Starfish378 response indicates her keen interest in addressing this issue.
Unfortunately, the dialogue quickly descends into conflict with the melodiously named starfish378, lower lip undoubtedly trembling with injury, defiantly casting aspersions on her accuser.
So what to make of this? Is Starfish378 a base villain, or merely misunderstood? Is she indeed an "honest seller" being unjustly hounded by Craig? These are deep matters.
But in the end, I have to weigh the evidence before me and suggest that the melodiously named Starfish378 is not an "honest seller", for it was a small matter to check out the references that Craig provided. That Starfish278 declined to do so shows me that truthfulness doesn't matter to her. She knows there is such a thing as a Dunhill pipe and that is good enough.
Therefore her action belies her claim to be an "honest seller" and therefore Starfish378 of Posie's Uniques is clearly not an honest seller.
So is she a base villain? Well, to come to any sort of decision I would have to looks at Starfish378's actions within a greater context. She hasn't, as far as my researches can find, caused massive loss of life, nor has she been tied to any major catastrophes or cataclysmic events.
Thus I come to the conclusion that Starfish378 is not a "honest seller" but rather a garden variety eBay snake, possessed of a casual honesty. Posie's Uniques will not likely be one of my shopping destinations.
I hope that it has been as rewarding for you to read this as it was for me to write it.
I thank you. :mrgreen: