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Aug 1, 2012
Yeah not much to stop the wind out there except TJoes Steakhouse, which is the only place I've ever stopped in Wyoming, after driving through that part where the water never leaves and it is all red and empty :LOL: it was some tasty steak.
Yep. We have some areas that would qualify as wasteland. And Tjoes is one you'd never know about without a good tip. We also have a really good Indian food place at a truck stop outside of Laramie. I grew up here and the joke goes that if the wind ever stops, people in Wyoming would fall over.


Dec 3, 2021
Connecticut, USA
Wife and I put tar paper around elevated Cajun house 4 ft off the ground on piers, staked on ground then nailed to the house trying to keep North wind out, Drew water for flushing toilets, cooking, called kids and canceled Christmas as they have to cross bridges that will ice up. Mother Nature is Mean to me!
Maybe celebrate Epiphany next week instead like eastern tradition ?!
Dec 10, 2013
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
This is horrendous and I wish you all the very best.
Stay in if you can, outdoors your skin can freeze in no time !
My thoughts are with you that need to tend to livestock now.
This end of the world rain and 10 C . Comfortable though not very " Christmassy ".
Some of you are used to quite something, but this is truly beyond my imagination.
While I am a winter person.
Take care , stay safe. love your families and smoke your pipe in piece .


Aug 1, 2018
It's 10 degrees warmer this morning than yesterday, balmy even, except for the breeze. Still a bit chilly for my thin furred doggie, he wears a jacket to go out to pee (and has boots for when it's really cold).
If it's warmer than -18° Albertan kids have outdoor recess and lunch breaks at school and my doggie and I are at the dog park at sunrise.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
Wife and I put tar paper around elevated Cajun house 4 ft off the ground on piers, staked on ground then nailed to the house trying to keep North wind out, Drew water for flushing toilets, cooking, called kids and canceled Christmas as they have to cross bridges that will ice up. Mother Nature is Mean to me!
Cajuns definitely aren't built for cold weather. It's 25 degrees visiting here in Covington. You would think it's minus 10 the way everyone is acting. I insulated my daughers water pipe last night and told her to let faucets drip (bare copper pipe coming out of the ground = crazy).


Dec 16, 2014
North Carolina
I grew up in northern Michigan and went to college in the Upper Peninsula so I can empathize with the cold temps and gusty winds. I don't miss it, relatively mild temps but gusty today in eastern NC. For those in the path of the weather stay safe.
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