Expensive Pipes

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Jun 10, 2012
New Orleans
The most expensive pipe is the one you purchase and then regret...learn about the carver and do research on his pipes from other smokers, and smoke plenty of lesser priced pipes to know what you like in regards to tobacco chamber dimensions, and air flow and draw...just my 2 cents...not worth much but something for thought


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
@NOLA Cajun

I agree. When I was looking into artisan pipes a few years ago, I came across Bruce Weaver. I searched for reviews all over the web, and even called him several times about his work. Liked everything I was reading and hearing, so the money I have spent on his pipes have no regrets. Ended up with a great go to carver, a new friend, and lots of advice on making pipes. As for Dunhill, just give me a cob.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
A painting of dogs playing poker hangs on the wall as art does the same as a Van Gogh, but who painted it matters as much as what the painting is of.



May 15, 2014
Here's how it works. Once you start selling pipes over $500 in price the ghost of Sixten Ivarsson appears and bestows upon you a special stamp with your markings. Using this stamp on any pipe makes it smoke exponentially better than all pipes under $500. You get a new stamp each time you surpass another $500 price point.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
chasingembers, I am with you on Bruce Weaver. I own 2 of his estate pipes that smoke as good as anything in my collection. I am going to contact him soon about doing a commission for me as I love his work and his prices are similar to Rad. The cob and Dunhill comment is priceless. I am not a fan of Dunhill's myself, but I totally get why people are enamored with them. They are a historic name and the fact you can date them adds to the allure. I have owned 4 of them and while they were certainly good smokers, they did not smoke as well as my artisan pipes nor were they as comfortable. One thing I love about Dunhills, is their shaping, Dunhills look like a pipe is supposed to look like and I love their traditional shapes.



Apr 24, 2015
Not that I have much experience but I figure pipe quality/price is pretty much like everything else. You can buy a Toyota Camry and drive anywhere. Nothing wrong with that. You can also buy a BMW and drive anywhere. But, are those two cars the same? Not really.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
If you look at other hobbies where people who are enthusiastic about them buy many of whatever the hobby is about, you see that pipes are relatively inexpensive. Think, for example, of guitars or firearms. A six hundred dollar pipe doesn't look so expensive in comparison. If I ever spend that much, I won't flinch, and I won't feel guilty or foolish, either. I certainly won't castigate myself as being too weak to constrain my pipe purchases to Cobs and pipes costing below a hundred dollars.



Apr 24, 2015
If you look at other hobbies where people who are enthusiastic about them buy many of whatever the hobby is about, you see that pipes are relatively inexpensive. Think, for example, of guitars or firearms. A six hundred dollar pipe doesn't look so expensive in comparison.
Very true. Heck, you could also compare it to cigar smoking. Burning through a box of $8-10 cigars per month makes a Dunhill look like a good investment.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Another thing to consider is how much someone is willing to pay for the newest iteration of smart phones. "Hey, I just paid $800 for this new phone whose technology will be obsolete next month." Or, "Hey, I just paid $800 for this new pipe that my great grandchildren will look at, and wander what life was like when great grandpa was alive." As for Dunhill, just can't bring myself to pay that much for a pipe when I can get basically the same shapes from Dr. Grabow.


You won't go wrong with Bruce. Very down to earth fellow and a joy to work with.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 26, 2013
Great Falls, VA
This may be 20-20 retrohindcoscopy but I only know how much a pipe is worth when I have had it long enough to know how much I would pay to replace it. That does not translate very well into future purchases but I am guessing that the prime pipe that I would replace would be in the $150-200 range even though most of the pipes they are replacing did not cost anywhere neat to that much to begin with. Complex issue really.



Might Stick Around
Jun 21, 2014
All of the above. The cigar community has been overrun by snobbery in all the forums I read. I fear the resurgence in pipe smoking has brought the same elements.
I'm a smoke what you like kinda guy and refuse to chase whatever flavor of the month pipes/tobacco/cigars.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I'm of the school that a cob is nowhere near as good a smoker as a $300+ artisan pipe.
I'm also of the school that once you hit that price point you truly are getting better briar that's aged longer, no flaws, better fit and finish, a smoother more effortless draw, a handcut stem with a very comfortable bit, and very attractive grain. More attention to detail is paid to the engineering of the pipe at that price point and that's why I feel they do produce a better smoke than per-say a $50 Stanwell.
There are still pipes in the $50-$100 range that will give you a nice reliable enjoyable smoke. Don't think that you HAVE to ONLY buy $300+ artisan pipes to have a nice experience.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
My $300 Radice gives a far more pleasurable smoke than my $116 Peterson, both of which are Billiards (Radice is a large G size).


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
But is it the expense of the pipe that makes it more pleasurable? I have $2100 in my 4 Weaver pipes alone, with a smooth fugu blowfish being the most expensive of the bunch. Does it smoke any better than the 1-300 dollar pieces in my collection? Probably not. Does it feel damn fine to smoke such a luxurious pipe? You bet.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
A few more thoughts -
I don't determine the value of an object for me by the value it has for others. Additionally, the price of an object can reflect the achieved skill of the person or people who made it, and also the effort, creativity, and time put into it. To base the value of an object solely upon its utility is to devalue the aesthetics of it, which are given by the the creative decisions and judgments of the maker. In paying a higher price than we could for a lesser but equivalently functional object, we are awarding and respecting the maker, and showing gratitude for the enrichment the object gives to our lives.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
The cigar community has been overrun by snobbery in all the forums I read. I fear the resurgence in pipe smoking has brought the same elements.
I have to respectfully disagree with that statement as I do not see this happening at all in regards to pipes. There are tons of folks here who smoke their cobs and their Savinelli's and I do not see anyone looking down their nose at them. They are just as valuable a member here as the guys who smoke their 400.00 plus artisian pipes. When I see a person post pics of their lower end Savinellli's they get just as many replies saying how nice the pipe is as the guy showing a JT Cooke. We are all pipe smokers and the object is to enjoy the blends we are smoking no matter how much their pipe costs.
I have owned tons of pipes that cost less than 150.00 but then realized that I got a more enjoyable smoke FOR ME with a 400.00 artisan pipe so I would rather own 19 Rad Davis pipes than 50 pipes in the 150.00 price range, but that is my personal choice. I sold all of my pipes in the 150.00 range and have way fewer pipes that I enjoy much more. People should smoke what they like and not give a damn what anyone else thinks. This is not a contests, this is a place where any pipe smoker can come to learn about pipes and tobacco and to share in the comraderie of our hobby. This is a special place where people care about each other and are here for each other through the good times and the bad.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
I agree. I see absolutely no snobbery on this site, at all. Only enthusiasm for pipes and tobacco.

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