After some reflection, I've refined my thoughts, somewhat.
If it is just performance, and your motive is utilitarian, then a $50 Stanwell or Savinelli or a cob is all you need. Spend the rest of your money on great tobaccos. Your smokes will taste as good as if it were from a $1000 pipe and my suggestion is not facetious. A lot of smokers put there money in their cellars rather than their pipe racks.
As a matter of fact, for me, the smoke from a $1000 pipe would taste bitter, because I would know that such a purchase for me, at this time, would be irresponsible and immature. That kind of money could be better used elsewhere - if not by me or my wife, by close family and friends.
Having said that, I own some Japanese wood block prints that are worth hundreds to thousands of dollars. I purchased them because of their intrinsic artistic beauty. Not because they were a good investment. Not because of the quality of engineering or craftsmanship. Just because they were so beautiful, I was willing to pay the asking price.
I have some handsome Savinellis and Stanwells. But they don't raise to art, as do those I've seen by Anne Julie, Rad Davis, J.Davis. Stephen Downie, etc.
So, I look at pipes over $100 as art pieces. Like art, I can't afford many, if any of the classics, whether a Rembrandt or a Picasso. But there are thousands of lesser known artists that are affordable and create worthwhile pieces.
So, I have utilitarian pipes for the most part, albeit good values. I do have some classic tobaccos in the cellar. But I will no begin looking for that affordable but beautiful pipe that rises to an art piece.
I am now officially beginning the quest.