Probably time for a pro with a retort. Unless there's a cottage industry of people smoking the ghosts out of pipes for each other. 

Did you ream out the cake? Cleaned airway, mortise and stem with alcohol?I just got lucky with an estate purchase -- an Oldenkott for $60 . I bought it cuz I liked the design, the proportions, though I knew almost nothing about Oldenkott. The thing turned out to be a terrific smoker from the get-go. Every aspect of this pipe is first rate.
Except : it has a Lakeland Ghost. I don't smoke aros or any Lakeland blends. For those of you out there who have also had this experience with an estate, how long did it take before this ghost receded ? I smoke Va and VaPer flakes almost exclusively. Any info appreciated.
I know. Some ghosts are friendly.Did you ream out the cake? Cleaned airway, mortise and stem with alcohol?
I once had a ghosted pipe, it took a few weeks to get that scents out while smoking. I tried cotton pads, salt with alcohol with no effect. It gave the tobaccos a certain aroma. Now I am missing it.