NYH rod for the win.
10-4 on diamond shank bastard-ity. Ditto square and faceted. One pipe looks pretty much like another to the consumer public but not to us repairmen, eh? Whoops, I mean repair
Hold on... that term is also sexist, isn't it? Hu
I know. We are repair
(Shit... that term contains the embedded word "son" which, of course, is non-child-bearing-capable specific, and therefore a microaggression.)
Let's see...
Yeah. That should work. You and I are "repairits", Rustie.
Welcome to 2023
Regarding a term I used earlier, "plated carbon", here's a close-up of what I was referring to.
It's not common, but when you encounter it, boy howdy you will know it.
On a smooth, it's scrape time. On a blast, 3M spinny time. And even then it's gotta be 36 grit. The next click up for 3M spinnies is 80 grit, and they'll just shine it.
View attachment 246134
Finally, I realized after posting the first set of pics that the color was off. Too orange-y.
So I took another shot with the color adjusted to match the stummel when held next to my computer screen.
Mucher gooder. It's a TANshell, dammit, not an ORANGEshell.
My apologies to anyone who might have been wondering.
View attachment 246136