My Lord, what a thread. I find Stonehaven to be a very nice blend. That being said, it's just another that has captured the attention of the johnny-come lately's of the pipe smoking community. Does anyone remember the Dunhill scare, the SG flood shortage, the GLP Syrian warehouse fire?
Reducing tobacco production and sales to a "Flip this House" mentality is simply bad form. Those who practice it fall far short of any gratification, other than instant, that this hobby provides, and I feel for them. I suppose all have their reasons, but please, at the very least, if you are going to venture into this piddley scale venture, at least sell it through Pipestud or Rich, so that part of the proceeds come back to the community.
Further, the economics of tobacco blending, sales and marketing are, in the best of cases, far removed from the day to day two-holer economist's theories of distribution, and hopefully will remain so for the foreseeable future. There have been far too many great houses that have gone the way of the dodo as a result of their listening to genius ideas similar to those presented in this thread.