It is a fun thread and since the OP's question has been answered, let me chime in with a few additional thoughts.
* Let's assume Stonehaven is a product with a fixed amount of supply. That is, Germain has no way of producing anymore than they are producing now.
* I think we can all agree that the market price for stonehaven is much higher than the $28 (or thereabouts) it sells for at retail outlets. I know if I get my hands on a bag of Stonehaven I could easily flip it for $50 or $60 the next moment, and likely even for more (I have seen many unaged bags go for $90 or $100)
In market terms, what we have here is a perfect storm for speculation. A retail sales price well below the market price, with no ability to increase output to soak up the excess demand. As a result, speculators enter the market, all trying to get their hands on a bag for $28 so they can flip it at a lucrative profit. These are folks who, unlike you and me, have no intention of smoking the stuff. They are there purely to arbitrage the difference between the retail price and the market price. These speculators increase demand considerably, making the stuff harder and harder for true pipe smokers to get their hands on it.
I will say it again just to piss everyone off one final time, but if the retail price were increased, demand would be reduced. Importantly, speculators would begin to leave the market because the difference between the retail price and the market price would make playing the Stonehaven lottery far less lucrative. Equilibrium would eventually return to the supply and demand curves. As a result, we (the true pipe smokers) would all have a better chance to get the stuff. I personally would rather see more profit go to Germain than to speculators who are currently making a killing. Would $50 or $60 be too much? I certainly wouldn't call this "high roller territory" for an 8 oz bag of tobacco - equated to tins it's really not that much.
Now lash away.