Esoterica Stonehaven

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Aug 1, 2012
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who thinks this tobacco, while good, is not the holy grail. Different tastes and all so it is worth trying if you can get it.



Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
Just to toss in my hard earned 2-cents; Stonehaven is considered by many to be one of the finest Virginia/Burley blends ever produced. If Roth doesn't care for it, that's, as Harris said, his palate talking to him. There are minions who believe Stonehaven is top-shelf stuff (myself included). When I get in 8 ounce sealed bags of Stonehaven with any age at all to it, I sell them on my consignment website for $90 a bag and they are sold within hours. Always. I set the price based on on the fact that Stonehaven is in limited supply and high demand and that it is a tobacco that ages extremely well. Many pipe smokers are aware of that and that's another reason it is scooped up so quickly.

If someone wants to pay $90 an 8oz bag for Stonehaven, then good for him. If someone refuses to pay more than $30 a bag, then good for him, too.
I never took Business 101 (or, Business 100 for that matter) but I have figured out that Stonehaven's supply is currently limited and the demand is high, so, on my website I have set it at a price point that benefits all concerned in my particular business. I get the cash and the buyer gets that delicious weed. :)
Best to all,



Can't Leave
Jun 12, 2013
Well I'm starting to wish I hadn't even started this thread. Gentleman, I posted this thread to get your insight on something(yes, I made a comment in reply about the honor in a company to keep quality in prices. And stand by what I said). My favorite thing about this forum up to this point of my membership has been the absence in drama. I would greatly appreciate everyone letting go of their debate on business school and principles, and let this thread get back on the tracks to its intended purpose.




Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
Well, I didn't really answer your question, did I pipebowl88?
Okay, according to my old palate, Stonehaven is every bit worth the hype it is currently enjoying. Whether you can get as good a tobacco for the same money is an answerless question because everyone's palate is different. My best answer to that question is, 'Maybe yes, maybe no).
Okay, I feel all better now that I've not strayed this time from your original post. :wink:



Can't Leave
Jun 12, 2013
Pipestud, let me clarify please. I'm sure you noticed this, but I want to state my intention of that last post. I was mostly referring to the "back and forth" between Jim and Peck. I can agree with you on tastes being subjective. I was just looking for a general consensus, and with that there will be a variation from one to another. From some trading with Roth I'm finding that he and I have similar tastes. Not to say we would see Stonehaven the same. There is a tobacco for everyone's preference.
As well as your comment on selling it on consignment for a premium when aged. I feel that was in line with my original post speaking of finding it at $100(unaged). As well that's your business of if the customer is willing to pay a premium for age then so be it. What people choose to do with their money is their business. But from a retailers point is them being true to themselves at selling a quality tobacco for a good price. Thanks for both of your replies.




Can't Leave
Jun 12, 2013
I wouldn't debate the fact that my grammar isn't perfect. I wish I had always worked harder on that, but I didn't. That time will come, and should sooner than later. Unfortunately there are still only 24 hours in a day. As well as 12 hours in a work shift for me.




Jun 16, 2012
I think Stonehaven is a good smoke. I'm honestly still trying to figure it out, which is a good thing. I enjoy the flavors and I would buy a bag around the $35 price, but I personally wouldn't chase it. I have many other blends that I enjoy as much and definitely more.



Jun 16, 2012
I think Stonehaven is a good smoke. I'm honestly still trying to figure it out, which is a good thing. I enjoy the flavors and I would buy a bag around the $35 price, but I personally wouldn't chase it. I have many other blends that I enjoy as much and definitely more.



Jun 16, 2012
I think Stonehaven is a good smoke. I'm honestly still trying to figure it out, which is a good thing. I enjoy the flavors and I would buy a bag around the $35 price, but I personally wouldn't chase it. I have many other blends that I enjoy as much and definitely more.



Nov 26, 2011
Nova Scotia, Canada
Well, I guess I'll make a rare post and chime in here. I like Stonehaven, but I don't love it. I like Penzance, but I don't love it. To me, ODF is every bit as good as Stonehaven and easier to get, as are many, many others. I have about 9 bags of each after trading several others away. These I will keep and will probably last me for years. I find that both, Stonehaven and Penzance are unique and are merely a "Once in awhile" smoke for me. While they are both very tasty, I would not miss them if they were unavailable.



May 25, 2012
I've yet to try Stonehaven (or even see it available for sale, outside of ebay), but I feel the same way as Fisher about Penzance. Would I find myself chasing Stonehaven if it were really good? Maybe. I'd definitely go out of my way for Solani Aged Burley Flake if it were hard to find -- and I've heard people say it's comparable to Stonehaven.



May 22, 2012
I really wanted to try it as I am a Penzaholic, but the nicotine on Stonehaven looks a little on the high side for me.



Jul 5, 2013
New guy here ,this is pretty funny everybody worried about what everyone is spending on tobacco if you want it and have the money buy if not don,t.I am pretty sure I have never seen a Brinks truck in a funeral procession so,I intend to spend my money and pay for tobacco if I choose to. Please enjoy what ever you are smoking I don't really care what you pay for it just enjoy it.

Dec 24, 2012
It is a fun thread and since the OP's question has been answered, let me chime in with a few additional thoughts.
* Let's assume Stonehaven is a product with a fixed amount of supply. That is, Germain has no way of producing anymore than they are producing now.
* I think we can all agree that the market price for stonehaven is much higher than the $28 (or thereabouts) it sells for at retail outlets. I know if I get my hands on a bag of Stonehaven I could easily flip it for $50 or $60 the next moment, and likely even for more (I have seen many unaged bags go for $90 or $100)
In market terms, what we have here is a perfect storm for speculation. A retail sales price well below the market price, with no ability to increase output to soak up the excess demand. As a result, speculators enter the market, all trying to get their hands on a bag for $28 so they can flip it at a lucrative profit. These are folks who, unlike you and me, have no intention of smoking the stuff. They are there purely to arbitrage the difference between the retail price and the market price. These speculators increase demand considerably, making the stuff harder and harder for true pipe smokers to get their hands on it.
I will say it again just to piss everyone off one final time, but if the retail price were increased, demand would be reduced. Importantly, speculators would begin to leave the market because the difference between the retail price and the market price would make playing the Stonehaven lottery far less lucrative. Equilibrium would eventually return to the supply and demand curves. As a result, we (the true pipe smokers) would all have a better chance to get the stuff. I personally would rather see more profit go to Germain than to speculators who are currently making a killing. Would $50 or $60 be too much? I certainly wouldn't call this "high roller territory" for an 8 oz bag of tobacco - equated to tins it's really not that much.
Now lash away.

Dec 24, 2012
I never said supply would increase - in fact, I said I was assuming supply would remain constant. I would encourage you to go back and read my post again.
As to whether higher prices will make the stuff easier to find, assuming demand isn't completely inelastic (and factoring out real inflation), of course it will, for the reasons given above. Just saying "no it won't" without any analysis really does a great disservice to any point you were trying to make.
Prices go up and down all the time. Just watch your gas station for a couple of weeks.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 3, 2013
One thing for certain, in retail, whenever there's a price increase on a product, the price, unless they reduce the size of the package, never goes down.
Agreed roth.

Peck: Most of us have to buy gas for jobs etc. We do not have to buy a certain brand of tobacco.

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