Reading through this thread is like deja vu over and over again. There's an Esoterica shipment and everyone rushes to the same few online stores where some hit home runs and some strike out. There follows a bunch of posts where people run down the brand and others express anger at the unfairness of it all, disappointment, boo hoo, tragedy,etc, etc, like those few online stores are the only place to buy this stuff
There's a ton of it, literally, sitting on shelves right now and it yours to get if you make the effort.
As for the quality of the Esoterica line, it's variable, just like every other brand is variable. I like some of the Esoterica blends a lot. They're excellent unique blends. There are some that I think suck, but others really like them. Mcclelland made some great blends and some of their blends really sucked. C&D makes some good blends and some of theirs truly suck. Same for MacBaren, K&K, Gawith, Gawith ahd Hoggarth, STG, and others.
Are Esoterica blends better than all others? Of course not. But others aren't better than the Esoterica line. They're just different. When I want to smoke what Germain's produces, no other blend is going to serve as a replacement because they're not that unique style. But when I want to smoke a Sutliff match, or one of Ernie's Watch City blends, nobody else is going to be a replacement either.
Some of the star blends may be gone, but there are other blends in the line that you may like. I thoroughly dislike Penzance. I turn it down when it's offered to me or I pick some up to give to a friend or to have for trade. I won't smoke it. I like Stonehaven, but only once in a long while. It's got to be a couple of years since I last had a bowl of it. Some of the blends that get no press are the one's that I like the best and those are likely available.
So if you really want to try some of the Esoterica line, get off your fundament and find it, because you can and it's not all that difficult.