Thought I'd throw this out there. This morning I cracked my first ever tin of Escudo. I rubbed out a couple of coins and had one of the most enjoyable smokes I've had in some time. The mix of Virginias and Perique seemed perfect to me with just the right amount of nicotine. Well, I love 1Q also, but the lack of nicotine is somewhat disappointing and at times it's just too sweet for me. This afternoon I decided to try an experiment. I rubbed out some more Escudo and added just a pinch of 1Q, maybe 20%. I have stumbled on to something magnificent. The blend has a chocolaty taste with some sweetness, but I can still taste the Virginia and Perique. Albeit the Virginia is sweet to the taste already. But this is different. This new blend I created also has the appropriate amount of nicotine for me. I just love experimenting in this hobby. I will definitely be working up this mixture again. I think I'll call it Esqudo No. 1. Try it, you might like it as much as I do.