Things are changing. The great oppressive Nanny State is getting pushed back, and I do not mean this in a political sense; it is in a cultural sense. People are tiring of having someone else tell them what to do in areas where it does not matter.
In my view, tobacco and alcohol regulation and taxes should be abolished entirely. Let the average person enjoy life as much as possible. If they die slightly earlier, maybe that is a blessing too. Having watched a number of people age to dementia and dying as invalids I have to think that an earlier death, possibly aided by an overdose of morphine once the prognosis is inescapable, as a blessing.
I am hoarding as much Royal Yacht as I can find. I admit still being in shock at the thought of it being gone, because nothing pleases me more than a sunny Saturday where I can wander down to the B&M, pick up a tin and wander around the rest of the day enjoying it.
But I will carry on nonetheless. Following the advice of misterlowercase, I am preparing my own production and will at some point be able to make tasty Virginias like Royal Yacht, although never as cool as the real thing, of course.
The future may be that we give up on this whole modern Ponzi scheme and go back to having our own farms and small businesses, and growing our own tobacco and swapping it for things among ourselves. I have swapped tobacco (made from mixing ingredients from SP, for now) for homemade beer, computer equipment, ammo, and home-cooked cat food. This is the future, as the past crumbles around us.