There was a similar thread sometime back and a forum member hotglued one of the oversized Chinese soup spoons to the metal lid of a 50g tin. Voila tout Instant pipe rest: inexpensive and clever as hell.
That is really clever! I still have to build a little stove out of one. I've tried using it for ammo but its too heavy for the tins they don't seal well. I do hide a set of spare keys in an empty tin in my cellar.
I collect the empty tins. What am I going to do with them? NOT A DARN THING! :P
They just look awesome sitting around!
I lucked out at a yard sale the other weekend and found two very old Prince Albert tins for fifty cents each. I snatched those puppies up! lol
I would be more than happy to take anyone's old, empty tins, and would even send you back a check to cover the shipping costs to Maryland. Lemme know.
I use them for tins of what-nots mostly,but I've used a few for Personal Survival Kits (PSKs). I like the rectangular ones better as they seem to hold more stuff, but the round ones are great for holding home-made fire starters (petroleum-jelly soaked cotton balls). I enjoy finding new ways to put as many "essential" items in them. I'll probably never use them for any sort of survival, but hey, you never know.