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May 4, 2011
I'd be afraid to smoke a pipe if it was too expensive! My most expensive is a $100 Peterson and it was a gift from my wife. The prices drop steeply from there. I bought a Wellington for $32 on sale at P&C but I was under the influence of Ambien and alcohol and did not remember making the purchase until I saw the e-mail the next day. The rest are either cobs or estates that I fixed up and didn't pay more than $20 for any of them.



Mar 22, 2011
"Gotta strike a balance. Distinction between snobbery and taste. Don't condescend, but don't put a premium on ignorance. Quality and price are not always the same, but quality should be sought and appreciated...you can usually find quality and rip-offs at all price levels."
Amen Brian64! I've been accused of snobbery because I don't like OTC tobaccos, cobs or Dr. Grabows. But I purchased a brand new Dr. Grabow and posted my reaction to it (didn't like it). I've smoked almost every OTC and low-end brand and would rather pay a little more for better quality leaf.
As Jud has written, smoke the best tobacco in the best pipe you can afford. But adhering to something merely because of its cost is just dopey.



Dec 5, 2011
I looked up snob:
A person who believes their tastes in a particular area are superior to those of others
Interesting.... So.. Is it "snobbery" to think oneself as better because one has cheaper pipes or more pipes. Or more pounds of tobacco ? Can thumbing one's nose at those buying more expensive items in a hobby of choice, be it cars, rifles, wine... pipes (gasp) be a form of snobbery ? I'm better, smarter, wiser, ... because I am happy, satisfied, appreciative of the less expensive stuff.
Live and let live. You bought the 3,000 pipe and are happy with it ? Good for you ! Just don't look down on me because I have a $25 basket pipe I like. But the same goes the other way. Don't look down on the guy with the 1960's Dunhill or the S.Bang just because he can afford it and enjoys it.
Respect is a two way street last time I checked. Food for though I guess.
My $ .02 ;-)
I'll go back to enjoying some 1-Q in an expensive Pete now and shut up :puffpipe:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 11, 2012
"@wildcat: I am also 47. We're old codgers?! Actually, I think real old codgers would laugh at us for saying that."


I didn't laugh; I just shook my head side-to-side.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 8, 2012
jacksonville florida

funny story -

boone's farm ?

man - i have not even thought about that stuff since the last time i drank too much of it when i was in high school
that brought back a bad semi-memory ( can't remember much about it now ) from 40 years ago ! aaaahhhhh !
' I now only want red, Cabernet being my favorite. ' - dittos - ( i don't know how to do quotes here )

fox and hound - that is one of the three nasty tasting blends i got from a local store when i ran out of my usual 3 :( cpt black / half and half / prince albert )

i hated it and the other two and stopped smoking them when i got a new shipment of my regular triad
just earlier today - i got the idea to put a pinch of one of the three nasties - ( i don't know which one it was because i did not have the bags labeled and i didn't care because i did not like them ) in with the last half of a bowl of half and half and it wasn't too bad - it put a little twist of rotten soggy rawhide saddle smell in with the good woodsy nutty taste that i like in the half and half -

almost gave me that marlboro type feeling that we used to experience from the cigarette commercials on tv when i was a kid - they would make you think that if you smoked marlboro that you would be rough tough and could smoke cowhide if you ran out of tobacco
maybe you should start another thread titled :
you may be progressing towards being a pipe smoking snob if you ...
e g

smoke a bowl all the way down on one light and you are afraid to tell anyone because then they will know that you haven't been doing so all along



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 1, 2012
@wildcat: I am also 47. We're old codgers?! Actually, I think real old codgers would laugh at us for saying that.
Being a "codger" for me is a state of mind. I don't think I "fit" in most of the time. I'm usually out of touch and out of time. I like the old ways best. Simple... honest... y'know??



Nov 21, 2011
There is a general lack of simple and honest in the world today. I think a lot of teens would almost die without their Facebooks, Tweets and cell phones. I read a great article by some kid that decided to go completely offline for a month. He discovered, if you actually write letters to people, 2/3rds of them write back! He lost his first brace of letters when he lost his backpack, which is where he learned you actually have to mail them.
When he wanted to see someone, he'd pedal his bicycle over to their house. His friends learned to put an object in the window (teddy bear, gnome, anything) if he was welcome to come in. He got back together with his girlfriend, because they had to communicate face to face, and not text each other.
I miss the days when you could look a man in the eye, your word was your bond, and a handshake would seal the deal. Technology can be great, heck it's how I met all of you, but too often it tries to substitute for real human interaction. [/rant]



Might Stick Around
Nov 29, 2011
It's easy to fall into the trap of inverted snobbery.
IMHO people who have high-end or luxury items usually aren't snobs, but they're out there, for sure. Lifeon2's gun snob is a great example. The guy's behavior and words were that liveon2 was unworthy of even being looked at because his rig was inexpensive and the other guys' was expensive. He didn't care if lifeon2 was a good marksman.
Expensive items are usually better made and more enjoyable to use than less expensive ones. The problem comes in when the owners believe they are superior because they have them. They're not superior, they just own something that may be better.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 1, 2012
I miss the days when you could look a man in the eye, your word was your bond, and a handshake would seal the deal. Technology can be great, heck it's how I met all of you, but too often it tries to substitute for real human interaction. [/rant]

Preach on!

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