There's only three outcomes with eBay:
a)uncontested auction - then it's either dumb luck or a low demand item
b)early bids escalate to an all out bidding war, which does nothing but result in crazy final prices
c)sniping, which you are the victim of; this is actually preferable in my books... If you keep your cards close and don't make a move until the last second, then you will never pay higher than your true max bid. Your odds of winning are greatly increased, and if you lose, then it wasn't meant to be because financially you didn't want it bad enough...
I'm sorry you lost. I won three auctions last night but I was hoping to walk away with 3 pipes in good condition for $36 shipped. It ended up costing me $58 shipped and I wasn't happy about it because the perceived "value" of the deal was mostly lost... Still, that's all you can do unless you are made of money. It was naive of me to think I could walk away with a steal - but I got my pipes despite the efforts of the snipers. Two Grabows and a Frank Medico... At least now I have my first briars! One could look at it another way and say "You could've got two new Grabows or a cheap Savinelli for that" but I was invested in the auction and bid accordingly.
I'm into wet shaving and I really want an original Old Spice shaving soap, but people go nuts on those auctions and they end up going for upwards of $30-35 a puck! I want it but I don't want it that bad! The same goes with pipes and a lot of other hobbies; things get hot and they might never cool down again. Even if it was just the members of our board scouring eBay for pipes then you'd still have to fight for them - when you consider there are probably thousands of people regularly eyeing the same listings as you then you understand how heated the bidding can get...
Best of luck with future auctions, brother. Don't take it personal and try not to be hard on yourself...