Yeah its rather amazing how I aquired them. They just showed up in the mail one day. A lady was dealing with her fathers belongings after be had passed away. According to a letter that was packed with the pipes she originally took them to a pipe shop, she did not mention which one to try an find out if they were worth anything. So instead of selling the pipes off for about $5 to $10 a piece, she decided to go back home and do a little internet research. She came across my site and without even emailing or calling me she sent the pipes to me and said they were mine free of charge. She stated her father would rather have had them go to someone who was passionate about what they were smoking versus ending up on the bargain table.
As a kind gesture on my part I sent her a check, and a big ass thank you letter. Its not everyday the sun shines up my ass, but it was the least I could do.