@jiminks: Thank you, thank you, thank you for turning me toward EGR. I tried it and love it! It just hit the spot for me. I'm not usually an aro kind of guy (in my college days it was Sail Green and SWR), but this was just wonderful. I don't know what the casing is, but I like it.
I will definitely get the tins and cellar them a bit.
And, btw, I also experimented a little with EGR for a road trip I had to take this morning. Mixed 60 percent EGR with 40 percent Carter Hall. My goodness is that delicious, IMHO.
I'm calling the creation the JRS Blend. That stands for Jim, Roth and Sheby (Foote). Don't know if Shelby mixed CH with his EGR or not, but I've read here he mixed something with it. Probably PA (also, when the great Southern writer William Faulkner died, they found a tin of PA in his tweed jacket. Mr. Faulkner was a real favorite of Shelby's).
And Roth was right, for me at least, that CH adds to rather than takes away from.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the EGR straight as well. It took me a couple of bowls to get the true hang of it, but after that, I couldn't get enough.
So, here's to jiminks, EGR and JRS.
I will definitely get the tins and cellar them a bit.
And, btw, I also experimented a little with EGR for a road trip I had to take this morning. Mixed 60 percent EGR with 40 percent Carter Hall. My goodness is that delicious, IMHO.
I'm calling the creation the JRS Blend. That stands for Jim, Roth and Sheby (Foote). Don't know if Shelby mixed CH with his EGR or not, but I've read here he mixed something with it. Probably PA (also, when the great Southern writer William Faulkner died, they found a tin of PA in his tweed jacket. Mr. Faulkner was a real favorite of Shelby's).
And Roth was right, for me at least, that CH adds to rather than takes away from.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the EGR straight as well. It took me a couple of bowls to get the true hang of it, but after that, I couldn't get enough.
So, here's to jiminks, EGR and JRS.