Several years ago. I was in the bathroom getting ready for work when an earthquake hit in, I think, VA. We felt the aftershock of it in NE GA. Cyndi and I both thought something exploded.
Here in Washington State, we have a quake that big every few years. We haven't had a big one since I have been on the boat yet.
Exhilarating, aren't they? I hope there was no damage.
When I was a kid we had an earthquake here in Indiana. Unfortunately my mom was driving me to a little league game when it happened so I didn't feel it. I got to the ball park and everyone was freaking out, I lost my chance at feeling an earthquake :evil:
Well, if you've ever had several UH-1 Huey military helicopters fly low over your house, you'd know what a low level Earthquake is like. At least that is what is was similar to here in GA.
I slept through our last 5.6 here in AK :lol: That last one I remember thinking "whoa, this is kinda big" was the 7.9 quake in 2002 when the Denali Fault ruptured.
Glad all is well for you guys