Well, I've been smoking a pipe now for about two weeks and thought I would share some things I like and some things I don't like. This, coming from someone who has never smoked before at all...I'm 52 years old. I started with CB Gold, which I did not care for, it just seemed like cigarette smoke to me and turned me off, seriously. I moved to CB Dark, and then I ordered some Lane BCA. CB Dark after Gold was like a world of difference to me and was much more enjoyable, from every aspect, even how the pipe bowl smelled hours after use, with Gold it was like a cigarette ash tray. BCA is so close to CB Dark in the pouch note and I don't know that I could tell a difference while smoking....I don't know either if they are Burley or Virginia Cavendish.
Regarding the smoking process:
What I Like:
- the aroma while smoking, of course, depending on the tobacco.
- the use of the filter as opposed to not using the filter, my mouth feels better after using the filter, and
I didn't discern any great difference in the smoke without the filter. I did not start this for a nicotine
hit, so would like to reduce that as much as possible with filtration and low nicotine tobacco.
- I like the calmness involved with smoking a pipe.
- Although taste is not real apparent with the tobacco that I've started with, it's not turning me off and so I
am liking it, so far.
What I don't like (what could be a game changer):
- I'm struggling with the idea that I made it through my early impressionable years without picking up on
the highly destructive habit of smoking cigarettes, only to begin introducing these type carcinogens into my
body at the age of 52..........that blows my mind when I think about it! This does not seem like a smart thing
to do, but I'm enjoying for the reasons noted above.
- This is a big one too......on my person, some hours after having smoked, I get whiffs of just plain old
cigarette-like odors, on my hands, in my beard. That's a tuffy given how I feel about cigarette smoke, it
repulses me. It would be nice if the odor on me was like that of the Black Cavendish because that really
smells great to me.
So, that's my observations two weeks into giving this a try. I understand that there are those things that are "just part of it" as I described in what I don't like.....so I guess time will tell.
Regarding the smoking process:
What I Like:
- the aroma while smoking, of course, depending on the tobacco.
- the use of the filter as opposed to not using the filter, my mouth feels better after using the filter, and
I didn't discern any great difference in the smoke without the filter. I did not start this for a nicotine
hit, so would like to reduce that as much as possible with filtration and low nicotine tobacco.
- I like the calmness involved with smoking a pipe.
- Although taste is not real apparent with the tobacco that I've started with, it's not turning me off and so I
am liking it, so far.
What I don't like (what could be a game changer):
- I'm struggling with the idea that I made it through my early impressionable years without picking up on
the highly destructive habit of smoking cigarettes, only to begin introducing these type carcinogens into my
body at the age of 52..........that blows my mind when I think about it! This does not seem like a smart thing
to do, but I'm enjoying for the reasons noted above.
- This is a big one too......on my person, some hours after having smoked, I get whiffs of just plain old
cigarette-like odors, on my hands, in my beard. That's a tuffy given how I feel about cigarette smoke, it
repulses me. It would be nice if the odor on me was like that of the Black Cavendish because that really
smells great to me.
So, that's my observations two weeks into giving this a try. I understand that there are those things that are "just part of it" as I described in what I don't like.....so I guess time will tell.