Greetings all! Sorry to inform you that I have fouled up my two prized County Sandblasted Dunhills. I followed the instructions and put on the Dunhill Pipe Bowl Polish with my finger, left it on for a few minutes. I tried rubbing it off but couldn't get the smell out. So I put them briefly under a heat gun and then used a toothbrush... still I can't get this smell out. And I think the heat gun might have made it worse.
I think the problem is that I opened a new bottle of this stuff and instead of just using the paste I got a mix of liquid (surrounding the paste) with it too. I think this liquid has absorbed into the wood and is causing the diesel / petroleum smell. Perhaps the heating of the wood expanded it and let this seep even deeper in.
I'm pretty bummed. I left it over night and it is no better. Strangely my non-sandblasted and sandblasted Vauen came out fine with vigorous scrubbing with cloth and toothbrush, but then again I did not subject them to the heat gun AND I had more paste/ less liquid applied.
Does anyone have any suggestions ? I keep going over the bowls with a toothbrush to try and get all the polish from the crags. It looks like I got all the polish on both pipes, but the smell on the outside of the bowls remains.
Does anyone have any good suggestions on how to get this diesel smell out from the bowls? Thank you for your time and wisdom. And I don't recommend the Dunhill Pipe Bowl Polish after this experience.
I think the problem is that I opened a new bottle of this stuff and instead of just using the paste I got a mix of liquid (surrounding the paste) with it too. I think this liquid has absorbed into the wood and is causing the diesel / petroleum smell. Perhaps the heating of the wood expanded it and let this seep even deeper in.
I'm pretty bummed. I left it over night and it is no better. Strangely my non-sandblasted and sandblasted Vauen came out fine with vigorous scrubbing with cloth and toothbrush, but then again I did not subject them to the heat gun AND I had more paste/ less liquid applied.
Does anyone have any suggestions ? I keep going over the bowls with a toothbrush to try and get all the polish from the crags. It looks like I got all the polish on both pipes, but the smell on the outside of the bowls remains.
Does anyone have any good suggestions on how to get this diesel smell out from the bowls? Thank you for your time and wisdom. And I don't recommend the Dunhill Pipe Bowl Polish after this experience.