Al Pascià - DUNHILL JFK Commemorative Amber Root 5103 smoking pi
Dunhill The White Spot, Dunhill Shell Briar smoking pipes, Dunhill Shell Briar pipes, Dunhill Shell Briar 煙斗, Dunhill Shell Briar труба, Dunhill Sh
Only 5K!
Beautiful pipe.Al Pascià - DUNHILL JFK Commemorative Amber Root 5103 smoking pi
Dunhill The White Spot, Dunhill Shell Briar smoking pipes, Dunhill Shell Briar pipes, Dunhill Shell Briar 煙斗, Dunhill Shell Briar труба, Dunhill
Only 5K!
Mediocre grain, mediocre silver work.
I'll pay fiddy cents for that pipe! I'm a big spender, I admit it.Another crap exposure/poor lighting. Stem under exposed, bowl with specular highlights. I'd buy it for $200.