Well I finally did it. I stopped by my local CVS store on the way home and picked up a Dr. Grabow Savoy. I'd been wondering what all the talk was about and whenever someone brought up needing a cheap pipe the Grabow controvrsy always appears.
My smooth Grabow Savoy and the energy drink I bought came out to a whole $30 with tax. Finish wise, it was pretty darn plain. not a lot of grain depth or visible bird's eye. It came with a metal fitting in the stem and a filter which I chucked straight away. I was happy to see that the bowl was pre-carbonized.
I had finally gotten a hold on a tin of Penzance so I crumbled some up and loaded the pipe. I'll try not to turn this into a Penzance review, because that is some damn good baccy. I see why Hobie ho0ards the stuff now. I had my bic, my Grabow, the tamper I lotted in the swap from Winton and off I went.
It smoked cool. I noticed no foul tastes, just the sweet, delicious orientals and leathery Latakia that Penzance lovers love (and the same type of flavor complexity that shot me straight through the heart with Magnum Opus. I DO see a Penzance review coming on, but not here. must...wait...
I worked about the yard, clenching the grabow and giving it the necessary gentle tamp as required and in a little over an hour, I had a pile of ash and a fine smoke in my wake.
The darn cheap little pipe smoked great! You know I love my cobs, but I gotta throw the Savoy in the ring for a grab and go-good smoke.
Here's a pic. It's not mine, but honestly, none of them were unique in appearance, at least in that style.