Does Bigger Bowl Give Better Taste?

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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
There is science in all of this. Diagrams, case studies, etc... try having someone "prove" the venturi effect in more defining terms that I have used over in the many different threads that Salted and I have argued this over the years.

If someone hasn't seen the science in all of this, then they are just refusing to look.
Whether someone can detect the difference in taste between a .7"X1.25" bowl and a .97"x2.5" is objective. Sure, sure, whether someone can tell they are falling down stairs is also objective. Maybe someone can't tell... and they suffer some brain damage. Which is what I think may be going on.
Subjective would be whether the person likes or dislikes the differences. But, to say that you cannot tell that the volume and quality of smoke is different is just weird. It's like saying that you can't tell the difference between apple pie and peach pie.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
The question regarded taste. Taste is purely subjective. There is indirect evidence you can draw conclusions from but it remains mostly subjective.
If you want scientific evidence, get 500 pipe smokers to do a blind taste test smoking the same blend from 2 or 3 pipes of varying size/geometry. That's a large enough sample size to be statistically significant.
Not sure of the point though. I am the one tasting and I've smoked enough different blends in enough different pipes to draw the only taste conclusion I care about. My own.

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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
There are many ways of detecting a difference. You could measure the amount of smoke coming from the pipe. You could chart the burn pattern of the bowl as it progresses. You could merely take two extreme differences in pipe chambers and try them together side by side. It's really not that complicated.

We've had hundreds of people post on threads saying that there are differences. Sure, sure, it's all armchair science. But, basically, to answer the OP question on whether it is "better," the OP would need to try it for himself.
But, as to whether there is a difference... it's really pretty obvious. As to whether it makes enough of a difference to matter to any individual, or whether it makes one blend better or not... sure, that would be up to the individual.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
There are many ways of detecting a difference. You could measure the amount of smoke coming from the pipe. You could chart the burn pattern of the bowl as it progresses. You could merely take two extreme differences in pipe chambers and try them together side by side. It's really not that complicated.
True, but the volume of smoke or burn pattern does not scientifically prove there is a different taste. My common sense agrees with you but Salted Plug seems to be caught up in pure science.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
we need an electronic tongue -

Maybe we can get some pipe clubs to chip in... :puffy:




Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 20, 2019
Um, all I know is that I have two larger bowled pipes (Savinelli 316EX and a Dunhill Pot) that seem to smoke everything beautifully. Probably just my perception.


Nov 13, 2019
I find with blends that have a lot going on, for example HU's Directors Cut, a wide bowl does provide a better and more interesting taste.

This may be a case of the grass being greener because lately my smoking has been limited to around 30-40 minutes per bowl.
I actually disagree and prefer the flavor in a smaller or narrow bowl.


Nov 13, 2019
it's only been 3 months since i started smoking pipe. started with morgan stubby pipes. enjoyed it very much. then started using peterson sh pipes. peterson sh pipes have bigger bowls and maybe i'm imagining things but the flavor i notice are more. today, i put escudo in one of the morgan pipe, fold and stuffed. i barely notice the taste i get from bigger bowl. does bigger bowl give more taste?
Are they all fishtail pipes or are the SH plips?


Nov 26, 2018
Are they all fishtail pipes or are the SH plips?

i don't see fishtail petes sh any more. but i know they have 'em. looking at the date i posted that, the pipe i'm talking about must be sh squire, xl15. that pipe was my first peterson and does have fishtail. rest of my petes are p-lip.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 6, 2019
Not sure why I feel compelled to add to this discussion from a few weeks ago, but...what the pay attention!?

Two points I would make, considering a tobacco blend with a few ingredients (as opposed to a straight VA, or simple cavendish):
1) A larger chamber diameter would potentially offer more combined tobacco to burn simultaneously, which would offer a different taste profile than a narrow chamber diameter, where fewer “strands” may be burning at any given time... but larger or smaller are of course relative...
B) The smoke “volume” is dictated by the smallest stem/bit diameter, and the inhalation rate (strong draw, or sip), not the chamber size/bowl diameter.

Because of #1 above, I agree that given a particular blend, or no blend at all, the chamber diameter matters.

4) Bowl depth and the associated filtering/drying/flavoring to the combusted tobacco matters as well...

So, the final answer is: just keep experimenting with the tools and equipment you have (pipes & tobacco) until you like it...?
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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 17, 2012
Suncoast Florida by the Beach
Personally, I'm not a fan of really large bowls. I have a gorgeous Peterson 307 and it is the one of my Pete's that I am not really that into. Does not seem to offer up as fine a smoke as the smaller bowl pipes.
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