My Dad smoked a pipe very briefly while I was young and apparently Borkum Riff Whiskey was one of the tobaccos he bought. Several years later when I was about 12 or 13, I found a couple of his pipes and an old half-smoked tin of the BR Whiskey in a box in our basement. One day when I was the only one home, I went down in the basement, packed the bowl, and fired it up. While it smelled decently in the tin ~8 years later, it did not taste very good. My tongue was not happy afterward and I had a headache. For better or for worse that was my one and only experience with it. When I picked the pipe up again in college, Captain Black was where I started. I admittedly considered BR due to my Dad having smoked it and it having been the first blend I ever tried. But that memory of it tasting horribly still lives in my head. Very likely some of the unpleasantness was due to the age and condition of the tobacco. Even so, I've never felt the need to suffer through any more of it when there are blends out there that taste so good.