Does ANYBODY actually like Borkum Riff?

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Oct 6, 2009
Back in the mid 70's when I first picked up a pipe I smoked the BR Whiskey and liked it. Don't care for it now. BR is like Mixture 79 in that some must like it--they keep making it!



Dec 16, 2011
I first started smoking a pipe when i was 18, and my friends and I thought Captain Black and Borkum Riff were what everyone smoked. LOL Never cared much for any of either one's flavors, but out of nostalgia i bought a pouch of BK whiskey at the local grocery store. It was so dry it almost crumbled to dust, and I took that as an omen to stick to the good stuff I smoke now. :puffy:



Sep 14, 2011
I smoked BR whiskey for a while when I first started. Then I discovered Sail Yellow and Troost Special Cavendish. That was the end of heavily cased blends for me.



Can't Leave
Nov 20, 2011
I tried Borkum Riff Whiskey a time or two and never did like it. At the time my favorite OTCs were Carter Hall (in the can) and Amphora Red Full Aroma (also in the can). I was single at the time and the Amphora helped me meet several young ladies who would wander over to see what I was smoking. Carter Hall was my regular smoke the rest of the time and I'd hate to guess how many tubs I went through. As has been said, though, Borkum Riff must have been popular with some smokers as they sold a lot of it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
I got a company given replacement for the 2 pouches I stupidly bought so, imo, whilst the product is utter crap, the company's ethics are fantastic.

Jul 15, 2011
As a young lad, Borkum Riff whiskey was one of the first tobaccos that I tried, and at the time, the taste wasn't enough to make me not want to pick up a pipe again, so I guess it couldn't have been all that bad. I haven't tried the stuff in years, and I bought a pouch of it here a while back for nostalgias sake. Ill have to pop it open sometime and see if tastes have changed.



Jun 16, 2011
BR whiskey was the first toby I smoked, it was ok, but I soon moved on to blends from the TB (Norse Gold, Captain Spice), and then I discovered English blends, and moved on from there. If I want a whiskey cased toby now, I stick with SWRA.

Nov 14, 2009
Flowery Branch, GA
Never tried it and doubt I ever will. Cyndi and I bought some not long ago to possibly give it a try. It reminded me of the cheap rubber fishing worms and some other fish bait my dad used when we went fishing. While that part wasn't all that bad, it stunk enough that in my mind, it shouldn't be smoked. So, we put it in a nylon stocking and stuffed it in a chair one of the cats kept peeing in. It worked! The cat stopped peeing in the chair for about 3 weeks before the smell finally went away. Cat piss deterrent, check. Quality enough tobacco I'd chance it, FAIL.



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
I have smoked it and can live with out it . But Iam sure someone likes it . And that leaves a whole lot more of it left on the shelves stewing in its toxic caseings with a shelf life longer than a twinke for them to enjoy . :crazy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
replacement for what? br whiskey! crap you say! whats up. it is just tabac. what is wrong?
Hi Mylvers - No it wasn't whiskey, can't remember what it was. I bought a 2nd pack (different flavour) because I thought there must've been something wrong with the first, being that it was so repulsive. The 2nd one was just as bad.
After reading many forums and realising I was no alone in my experience with the brand, I wrote to their head office in Europe to tell them I had just spent $80 on disgusting, dried horse shite! I asked them how, in all conscience, they could produce such rubbish and charge so much money for it. (Tobac here costs $40 for 50gm).
They were very apologetic, explained they'd had a production problem (of spraying the pouches with flavour instead of the tobac itself) and offered to replace. I refused, not ever wanting to see, smell or taste the brand again. They replaced with 2 pouches of Aronmore, which my Tobacconist allowed me store credit to buy McClellands.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 21, 2010
BR Whiskey was my first tobacco back in the late 60s and early 70s. I really enjoyed it back then. Of course, I was generally stoned at the time and would have enjoyed almost anything.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 21, 2011
I bought some BR Bourbon Whiskey just over a week ago. 1st bowl was underwhelming. But I went back to it. second bowl, I took more time with and packed a bit lighter. Just sipping at it helped quite a bit. It's not terribly sweet, but has a flavor that grows on you and a fair amount of vitamin N. I would urge those who haven't to try it and give it a fair shake.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 2, 2011
Houston TX
BR Bourbon Whiskey was my first pipe tobacco when I was 18. Growing up in a rigid southern baptist community I think the fact that it was laced with the whiskey was part of the allure. As I recall it had a great pouch aroma.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 16, 2011
You may not actually smoke the tobacco, but unless you have a few of those empty Borkum Riff tins lying around in your garage for nails, paint thinner, and so on, then you need to turn in your man card immediately

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