Probably. But one thing it infuriates me in the extreme is having people who have never even met me pompously lecture me on how my body works and why I, consciously or unconsciously, have certain affinities; and then going one step further in haughtiness and accuse me of denial when they have no bloody clue about my organism.
For the umpteenth time: i DO NOT SMOKE FOR THE DAMN NICOTINE!! Just like I don't drink coffee 'to get going' or to stay awake. Plenty of people do those things for those reasons. Fine. I do not. That should be fine too.
For the umpteenth time too: YOU DO NOT KNOW MY BODY AS I DO, for I am the one living in it and have had decades to get to know it. Don't pretend to school me on physiology, or pharmacokinetics: I have plenty of knowledge about those areas too, both from medical training and externsive personal experience.
And hey, maybe nicotine is different for bears.