Do You Smoke Entire Bowl At Once, Or Sessions?

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Do you always finish your entire bowl, or not?

  • I always finish an entire bowl in one session

    Votes: 51 50.5%
  • I never finish an entire bowl in one session

    Votes: 11 10.9%
  • Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't

    Votes: 39 38.6%

  • Total voters
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Can't Leave
Oct 9, 2019
Lake Elsinore, CA
I find it hard to put down the pipe once lit, until it's finished. If I think I have less time that would be reasonable for said pipe, I might pack less that a full bowl. I've been doing more of this lately.


Jul 10, 2019
Shelby, NC
I chose never finish in one session but I really probably finish about 1 in 10 in one sitting. If I even slightly suspect a bowl is getting too warm, I put it down for a little while. Sometimes that little while becomes a long while. Sometimes I decide I want something else and I pick up the other pipe a day or two later. Sometimes I pick up a pipe that I remember packing a week or so ago but don't remember what I packed it with... those are often the best!!!


Jun 20, 2019
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
I'm a very slow smoker. Most bowls, I smoke after dinner two, three days in a row, sometime with a day's break in between, before I finish the bowl. Lately, I've been paying close attention and making notes for myself, which I find helpful in focusing my attention on the taste rather than just doing it absent mindedly, watching TV or reading. Sometimes, I find that blends I don't like the first day improve greatly the next day. I.e., DGT really works. An example is Peretti's Royal. I was not impressed the first day. On the second day, the smoke became smoother, the latakia seeminly receded but the incense note heightened. I won't have restocked on the blend the first day, but will now consider it.


May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Sometimes a bowl started will have several "lives". I put it down in the TV room. Then going out the door I load up another one. Smoke that on the way to the store. Then put that down. Pick up the first one and smoke it for 15 minutes, then out to walk, perhaps with a third fresh bowl. The next day the first pipe gets finished, dottle removed, hot water rinse, dry. Many variations on this theme. Other times the bowl is smoked down to a fine white ash.

Only secret: a dry pipe with dry tobacco, so there's no moisture to speak of left in the chamber, and none when you start.

Good luck!


Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 14, 2019
I don't light a bowl up unless I intend to finish the whole thing. If I only have a little time then I'll choose a smaller pipe. My pipe may go out sometimes if I get distracted by a small chore but I'll relight and smoke it all the way down There is the delayed gratification technique (DGT) but I'm not sure if there is a standard of what "delayed" might be defined as, I guess that is left up to the individual.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 9, 2018
Almost always finish. The only reason I won't is if I'm suddenly too sleepy, or something demands my undivided attention.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 24, 2019
You might give a shot at doing it the other way. Who knows?

Good advice. I started this same approach recently. "I only have 15-20 minutes" turned from an excuse not to pack a pipe at all to an excuse to sneak in a few puffs. I'm glad I did it. More tobacco enjoyed, more experimenting on how (or if) a tobacco changes after sitting.

I understand the concept of long (60+ minute) and contemplative smokes, but that doesn't usually fit my weekly schedule often
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Can't Leave
May 6, 2019
Because I generally only smoke when I know I have at least a solid hour available, I almost always finish the bowl unless there is an unexpected interruption. I am still too new of a novice piper to multi-task much, plus part of the joy is to stop and savor the experience, thinking and being quiet for a bit.
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