Do You Really Like to Smoke a Pipe With Filter

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Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
I was against filters untill I came across balsa filters. I will always use one in the pipes that are made for them. They keep moisture out of the stem, and little bits of tobacco out of my mouth.
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Apr 29, 2017
Minnesota USA
I have a number of pipes that can accommodate a filter.

I occasionally use a filtered pipe for a number of different tobaccos. Types of filters that my pipes can accommodate are balsa, charcoal, and maple.

I’ve never had an issue with drawing on a filtered pipe.

I like using a filtered pipe for some of my older aromatics, specifically Middleton’s Cherry Blend. I find a charcoal filter removes the chemical taste from the smoke.

As for other tobaccos, I find that a filter can mellow the taste somewhat, and sometimes I enjoy that. Usually a more recently manufactured tobacco that hasn’t had the time to settle.

And I enjoy my Brigham pipes and their Rock Maple filters. The Maple seems to impart a certain agreeable hint of flavor all it’s own.

I probably use a filtered pipe less than 10% of the time, but I also enjoy them for what they are.
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Jan 5, 2018
Ontario, Canada
Thread Resurrection!!!!

I'm starting to experiment with filters. I have 2 9MM pipes and 1 6mm Sav with the balsa system as well as some 6mm flltered cobs. Now, as a matter of historical fact, I yanked all the filters before I smoked any of them. I assumed filters were for the weak.(joke) But, now I'm interested in comparing the difference. So, I bought some of all of that and loaded up my pipes to see what the difference is. TBD (Cuz I aint smoked em yet)
I'm will be doing the same experiment with my Brigham pipes and their maple filters. Been smoking without a filter but will try the maple filter seeing as they remove a lot of gunk before the smoke hits me.


Aug 31, 2018
I notice no difference in flavor between the two. All my cobs are all filtered and I prefer them for lunting and in the car. I'll get about three bowls out a filter before I change it.
My REAL preference are my Kirstens. Low moisture, cool smoke, and easy to clean.

Parsimonious Piper

Can't Leave
Oct 12, 2019
I only use filters for aromatics—because I don’t want to dry them out too much in order to retain the flavor of the topping. Moist aros tend to kill my tongue. With a filter I can sip one-way without pushing my own breath’s moisture back to the filter—I prefer the “breath” thing with non-aros because it’s the best way I can get the complexity of a well-layered blend.

My filtered pipes are all 6mm, and I seem to be able to get 2 smokes from a paper filter and about 4 from balsa. But I also make sure to smoke similar aros (e.g., all fruit or all liqueur) through any one filter to avoid the “filter ghosting” others have mentioned on different threads.

Wouldn’t bother with filters at all because I prefer a strong dried-to-a-near-crisp burley/Va/Per, but my wife can’t stand non-aros, so when she’s around I do what I must to keep the peace.


May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I have a handful of pipes designed for a filter, but smoke them happily without. I don't insist each pipe have the same draw.

I've come to believe that they don't really filter in the true sense of the word. Some smoke is filtered, and some moisture absorbed, but it really only reduces the amount of smoke received per draw.
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Feb 21, 2013
From here in the U.S., it looks like 9 mm and other filters are most popular in Europe, though an earlier post on this thread calls that into question. In any case, it at least appears that filters are more popular in Europe than here. Group psychology does hold sway, so U.S. smokers tend to follow their brethren (and sisters) in not using filters as much or at all, whereas it is more of a "thing" in some places in Europe. I often come a cross groups of pipes at online retailers in the U.S. that are available at discount seemingly because they are 9 mm filter pipes, and you can get some good deals on those. I have a Kemberling Austrian bent Rhodesian 9 mm filter pipe that smokes just fine with no filter and is a beautiful pipe all around, that my sister sent me as a gift after an Austrian trip.


Mar 11, 2018
Sometimes I use a filter; more often I don't.
I find filters are nice for those days that are a bit on the windy side. Feels like I'm not struggling as much to keep the smoke cool in those gusty windy conditions. Sometimes with aromatics I like filters. The first few smokes when I'm back on my feet from a cold/flu I like a filter too. There are occasionally times I smoke with a filter for no reason at all.


Mar 22, 2018
I'm will be doing the same experiment with my Brigham pipes and their maple filters. Been smoking without a filter but will try the maple filter seeing as they remove a lot of gunk before the smoke hits me.
The Brigham filters are the only filters I use. I find they do not take away flavour and are generally unnoticeable


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 29, 2018
I'll throw a balsa filter in one of my Savnelli pipes every now and then just to see what it will do for the smoke. Usually I don't detect much of a difference until a week later when I use the pipe again, the smoke tastes like crap, and I realize that I forgot to take the old nasty soggy filter out.
They do collect quite a bit of moisture, so they must be helping with that. Just don't forget to get them out of there when you're done!


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
almost never touch filters. However I use them rarely when I am smoking in some type of distracted state. Hanging out with friends and knowing the conversation is going to grab my attention more then the pipe. For solo lunting I find filters detract. They don't change the fundamental flavor but they do change the flavor. It's a personal choice type of thing. I get the impression that a lot of filter smokers like that change of flavor but feel like the snobs will look down their nose at them.
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