Anyone have a word or thought about a Pipe Friend (fur or feather friend, or person)--now or earlier (or maybe in your imagination for the future?)?
I'm sitting with Gandolf and take the tobacco pouch he shares with me, imagining the future...what's it gonna taste like?
Sitting in the past by a lake with Andrew, Peter, James, and a a few others and they pass a smoke--what kind I wonder?? Maybe a future hope, too??
How about passing my Dearest of 41 years a pipe and she ACTUALLY smokes a bowl? That's dream come true!! I always have thought smoking with one's Love must be soooo beautiful--(not that Better Half isn't simply Wonderful -- She Is)--She's puffed a tiny bit before
. Remember John Denver's song on Poems, Prayers and Promises (that yello covered album) and he sings, ". . . as we pass a pipe around. . . ."
45 years ago in woods in N. Va passing a pipe around with my dear happy friends when we were young...what joy and laughter
Maybe I'll smoke a bowl someday with Brian, or Mark, or Shane, Cosmic or CAQ, and maybe Jess and Tom and Former...what fun! So many others of You Dear Friends on this forum
And lastly, up close with "Smokey" Carol Nightingale again 40 plus years ago -- as he puffed gently on his pipe, wearing his .38 on his belt--charging me $5 to get into his tattoo parlor by the bus station in NW Washington DC -- and being fascinated by the artwork on his arms and legs while he inked m, the Man with the Golden Needle--the sounds, sights and smells --WOW
How about a smokey bar story -- one you remember or imagine? A beach scene, a mountain view--that's why I LOVE the pictures on this forum of places and pipes--YOU SPARK MY IMAGINATION, MEMORY and even enjoyment of my own space and time (and back yard
I'm sitting with Gandolf and take the tobacco pouch he shares with me, imagining the future...what's it gonna taste like?
Sitting in the past by a lake with Andrew, Peter, James, and a a few others and they pass a smoke--what kind I wonder?? Maybe a future hope, too??
How about passing my Dearest of 41 years a pipe and she ACTUALLY smokes a bowl? That's dream come true!! I always have thought smoking with one's Love must be soooo beautiful--(not that Better Half isn't simply Wonderful -- She Is)--She's puffed a tiny bit before
45 years ago in woods in N. Va passing a pipe around with my dear happy friends when we were young...what joy and laughter
Maybe I'll smoke a bowl someday with Brian, or Mark, or Shane, Cosmic or CAQ, and maybe Jess and Tom and Former...what fun! So many others of You Dear Friends on this forum
And lastly, up close with "Smokey" Carol Nightingale again 40 plus years ago -- as he puffed gently on his pipe, wearing his .38 on his belt--charging me $5 to get into his tattoo parlor by the bus station in NW Washington DC -- and being fascinated by the artwork on his arms and legs while he inked m, the Man with the Golden Needle--the sounds, sights and smells --WOW
How about a smokey bar story -- one you remember or imagine? A beach scene, a mountain view--that's why I LOVE the pictures on this forum of places and pipes--YOU SPARK MY IMAGINATION, MEMORY and even enjoyment of my own space and time (and back yard