Do You Have a Word or Two about a Pipe Friend or Pipe "Place"

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Oct 28, 2020
Anyone have a word or thought about a Pipe Friend (fur or feather friend, or person)--now or earlier (or maybe in your imagination for the future?)?

I'm sitting with Gandolf and take the tobacco pouch he shares with me, imagining the future...what's it gonna taste like?

Sitting in the past by a lake with Andrew, Peter, James, and a a few others and they pass a smoke--what kind I wonder?? Maybe a future hope, too?? :)))

How about passing my Dearest of 41 years a pipe and she ACTUALLY smokes a bowl? That's dream come true!! I always have thought smoking with one's Love must be soooo beautiful--(not that Better Half isn't simply Wonderful -- She Is)--She's puffed a tiny bit before :). Remember John Denver's song on Poems, Prayers and Promises (that yello covered album) and he sings, ". . . as we pass a pipe around. . . ."

45 years ago in woods in N. Va passing a pipe around with my dear happy friends when we were young...what joy and laughter

Maybe I'll smoke a bowl someday with Brian, or Mark, or Shane, Cosmic or CAQ, and maybe Jess and Tom and Former...what fun! So many others of You Dear Friends on this forum

And lastly, up close with "Smokey" Carol Nightingale again 40 plus years ago -- as he puffed gently on his pipe, wearing his .38 on his belt--charging me $5 to get into his tattoo parlor by the bus station in NW Washington DC -- and being fascinated by the artwork on his arms and legs while he inked m, the Man with the Golden Needle--the sounds, sights and smells --WOW

How about a smokey bar story -- one you remember or imagine? A beach scene, a mountain view--that's why I LOVE the pictures on this forum of places and pipes--YOU SPARK MY IMAGINATION, MEMORY and even enjoyment of my own space and time (and back yard :).


Nov 26, 2018
Junior high. Must have been 8th grade. 1982? Sitting by the old broken down what looked to be a baseball bleacher, smoking cigarettes, drinking screwdriver out of OJ box. After a long day of going to movies, walking under the hot sun, it used to really hit the spot. On days we forget fake IDs, it was usually Hawaiian Punch or Yoo-hoo. Few good friends enjoy watching the sun going down. Gotta be Flushing. Kissena Park was another piece of heaven. Fishing at the pond, climbing, eating, and napping on mulberry trees.. Smoking too! Summer lasted long time. But best was just hanging around with good friends laughing, teasing, fighting.. Miss those days.
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Oct 28, 2020
. . . 8th grade. 1982? Sitting by the old broken down what looked to be a baseball bleacher, smoking cigarettes, drinking screwdriver out of OJ box. After a long day of going to movies, walking under the hot sun. . . . limbing, eating, and napping on mulberry trees.. Smoking too! Summer lasted long time. But best was just hanging around with good friends laughing, teasing, fighting.. Miss those days.
Wow--I can almost see it all--THANKS SOOO MUCH!!!! :)))
Just sooo coool! You've got a gift with imagery and words.


Oct 28, 2020
It's heartwarming that you have a "Dearest" wife, who you love.
That's way more important than pipe smoking.
You, Sir, are soooo right! Thank you for your time and for sharing your thoughts and reading mine. Happy smoking to You, Sir and to All.
ps-"lights out" soon (again) and heading back to bad after getting up to take Minni and Gus outside to "do their business" (they awaken in the wee hours and hear something in the back yard and want to go outside AND WAKE ME UP--BUT WE LOVE THEM SO--what good brother and sister pooches they are! German Shepherd 4 yr old siblings--we've all been Family since they were almost 8 weeks old--the Kitties are much nicer about letting us sleep!! Happy in Texas).
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Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
A very nice thought BUT it's all in the translation.
Last weekend having my usual couple of pipes on the front porch when my wife decided to "keep me company" by gardening in the front yard.
Except that what she chose to do was to spray a couple of containers of malodorous fish manure followed by spreading very liberally a few sacks of "Who Flung Dung".
The plants may have appreciated her love, but I puffed as hard as I could and beat a hasty retreat indoors as quickly as I could ?


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Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Ok Cosmic I give up! I can't breath I'm laughing soooo damn hard!!!! :))))
In college we used to crack ourselves up crank calling the local pet stores and asking if they could recommend someone who would rent us a monkey for a few hours... NO QUSETIONS ASKED. Ha ha! They always seemed concerned and despite what we said, they asked questions, ha ha. Can't crank call nowadays with cell phones telling them what number we are calling from, but we had some creative ones.
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Mar 2, 2021
Alabama USA
In another life I was meeting some friends CS and JR and discussing life. They taught school. I mentioned having a spat with a girl friend where I told her I was drawing a line, bitch, put on the bathrobe. CS got up hurriedly and left.


Feb 21, 2013
Fred and Lefty are cat siblings out of a drainpipe and bottle fed by a rescue group. My wife-to-be and I discovered Fred at an adoption day at a pet store chain, taken by his white boots and bib and lovely kabuki face stripes. I signed up for him, but they said, since I worked, he was too young to be alone at home. Either, I could adopt an older cat or take along his brother, a fluffy all-gray kitten, very independent and bold. He's sleeping just beside my computer. They are Maine Coon look-alikes. They're over ten years old now. They study my pipe smoke and seem to tell my fortune by it. Fred is the poet, irrational and dreamy. Lefty is the engineer, door-opener, lock-pick, and independent. Fred likes to snooze against my right leg, with his feet up in the air.
Jun 25, 2021
I don't have a pipe friend as such. But when I'm doing the Times cryptic crossword I often imagine that Stephen Fry is looking over my shoulder and checking on my solutions.
One evening I found myself making sure I filled in the grid very neatly, in case he really was lurking behind the sofa haha.
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Feb 28, 2013
Back in 1964, Kirk's Pipe Shop in Coral Gables, Fl....Kirk would smoke straight Perique in a Comoy Extraordinaire freehand...thing was a monster pipe...Kirk was 6'2" so he could "carry" the pipe...he was a blender and had his own house blend..this was before Lane. Man was a master at blending...great friend, too. Taught me to repair pipe stems for customers...told me to buy the best I could afford and it should be a Comoy. Still have that pipe. A golden grain Canadian...great pipe, lots of memories.


Oct 28, 2020
In another life I was meeting some friends CS and JR and discussing life. They taught school. I mentioned having a spat with a girl friend where I told her I was drawing a line, bitch, put on the bathrobe. CS got up hurriedly and left.
Sweet Home...(your name reminds me of watching an early L. Skynard music video this month! What fun!!)--

Anyway--I can be really dense and just plain stupid. I reread your post. I get the first half. I just can't quite figure out what the second half is all about (seriously?)? I can't quite, "connect the dots," so I can understand what was going on? Was she dressing or undressing--why the robe? See HOW DENSE I am! And was she mad or what--we're you having a fuss--see, I just don't "get it." Nor how the line in the sand fits--Now you know why my wife has to explain jokes to me often (really!). Thanks for posting--I would have been the one in the room saying, "I don't get it..." and you guys would look at each other and just roll your eyes and shake your heads (really!)! LOL :)))
thnx for posting and giving me something to think on
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