Sweet Home...(your name reminds me of watching an early L. Skynard music video this month! What fun!!)--
Anyway--I can be really dense and just plain stupid. I reread your post. I get the first half. I just can't quite figure out what the second half is all about (seriously?)? I can't quite, "connect the dots," so I can understand what was going on? Was she dressing or undressing--why the robe? See HOW DENSE I am! And was she mad or what--we're you having a fuss--see, I just don't "get it." Nor how the line in the sand fits--Now you know why my wife has to explain jokes to me often (really!). Thanks for posting--I would have been the one in the room saying, "I don't get it..." and you guys would look at each other and just roll your eyes and shake your heads (really!)! LOL

thnx for posting and giving me something to think on