Do You Associate Pipe Smoking with a Sense of Spirituality?

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Nov 26, 2018
It's gotta be hard to keep the pipe lit during that activity.
That was before pipe smoking. An awful night. Went up to NYC to see a friend. He was having problems with his girlfriend. We invited some girls for some drinks. I was having fun. We got out and drove around Manhattan. Someone had to pee. We all got out and peed on a building. A cop came and decided to write us a ticket. No big deal, but my friend is a hot head. Nothing serious happened. I didn't do anything stupid and got punched once. Then decided to stop by Greenwich Village. There was a traffic. Not because of car issue, but this guy high off his ass was holding up the traffic. My friend had enough for the might. He pulled out the tire Jack and went after the guy. I was right next to him. That junky pulled a gun. I took it away. Then, it's really funny, a car pulled over. Bunch of old Korean got out and told us to go. We never question our elders. That's it.
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Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
I should add something important - I generally smoke twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. At both times, I make sure I am in a place where I won't be bothered or interrupted and more importantly, I have no physical duties pressing on me. My only focus is keeping my pipe lit - this impacts my breathing, my sense of calm, and compartmentalizes my thoughts to what is right in front of me. I am sure all of these things are an aspect of why I see pipe smoking as leading to a sense of deeper understanding, meditation, and perhaps, spirituality. If I had to clean the patio while smoking the pipe, this would not be the case.
In that case, I very much agree. I need absolute peace of mind, plenty of time. However, with the cigarette, I can smoke it at work, but in the moments of less pressure.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
In the chill of the early autumn of my life I’m so very grateful I could see Bug Tussle every morning from my bedroom window.

And for Mama and Daddy and me, Christianity was not what we practiced on Sunday and Wednesday but every waking hour of every day of our lives. It was part of the air we breathed, for He stood in the shadows, keeping watch over His sheep.

You cannot convince me we are each of us anything other, than the creations of God, We are, our brother’s keeper, and our sister’s keeper as well.

And stern will be the judgement on those who stray, from the Master’s path that leads us home.

Tobacco is a luxury like coffee and tea, and I believe was discovered by man, guided by the hand of God.

My Marxman this morning is full of North Carolina bright leaf, as I read about my brothers of the briar experiencing a closeness to our Master, from the bowl of their pipes.

Beyond the sunset, we can smoke all we please in a land where the roses never fade.

In heaven we can still smoke on airplanes.

And the taxes will always be paid in full.
Jul 28, 2016
As far as pipes go,It ain't got no spiritual meanings to my but has definitely calming properties,more than anything You see, there this addiction to nicotine i have developed over many the years,this might be deferent if there wasn't years of cigarette smoking behind me
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Feb 27, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
I’m an orthodox christian and the main issue with pipe smoking is the same as with anything that’s a passion: it is about self discipline. I am taught that I should always strive to be in control of a passion and not have it be in control of my will. Sort of like being a rider on a horse; the rider not controlling a horse is out of order, not in control.
Does self discipline mean smoking in a disciplined manner or total abstinence?


Dec 5, 2016
Does self discipline mean smoking in a disciplined manner or total abstinence?
For me, both. But there's a difference: smoking in a disciplined manner is a constant, whereas total abstinence is only for certain periods of spiritual preparation.
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The Novice Piper

Might Stick Around
May 14, 2024
United States
I don't smoke a pipe as part of any religious or spiritual discipline. I smoke it to make myself calm down, sit still when needed, and to chase that high we all know and love from an always-fleeting "perfect bowl."

But crazy as it may sound, I've experienced some things that have me entertaining the notion of there being a supernatural element to the regular practice of smoking a pipe. Stuff that Carl Jung (a pipe smoker himself) might have placed under his umbrella of "Synchronicity."

The longer I smoke a pipe the more these things seem to pop up, so that some weeks it almost feels like there's a correlation between the realizations I have regarding piping and the changes that unfold in life events around me.

I question if it might be something spiritual because every time I have a little life lesson that seems to correspond with a pipe-smoking insight, the lesson and insight are always the same: Slow down. Be here now. Make time for what's important.

Strange stuff. Could just be in my head!
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Jan 31, 2011
I associate pipe smoking with the convenience that I don't have to find a spot to dump my cigarette butt when I'm done smoking.

I have fond childhood memories of cigarette butts all over the floor in the grocery store. Nobody gave a shit about such things then. That's what brooms are for. Man is everyone uptight now.


Might Stick Around
Dec 29, 2023
Alberta, Canada