Do You Associate Pipe Smoking with a Sense of Spirituality?

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Oct 13, 2021
Said like a true atheist, ha ha. Jk... well... not kidding, but not judging either.

But, the OP mentions smoking while reading the Bible, which then puts the question to the group into the context of spirituality within religion. Not just religion, but Christianity. So, it would be unfair to criticize those who answered within a religious framework.
Not criticizing. Not atheist. Just stating a fact.
Albeit one that is difficult to understand for those who cannot distinguish between spirituality & religion.
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Dec 3, 2021
Connecticut, USA
Said like a true atheist, ha ha. Jk... well... not kidding, but not judging either.

But, the OP mentions smoking while reading the Bible, which then puts the question to the group into the context of spirituality within religion. Not just religion, but Christianity. So, it would be unfair to criticize those who answered within a religious framework.
Spirituality- defined by Oxford is that it relates to those things not material. This would be defining things that exist only because we believe in them, such as "love, God, even Art."

Merriam Webster defines it as Ecclesiastical, and those things constrained and guided to by religion.

How are you guys defining "spirituality" that is not associated with religion?


Jan 31, 2011
Spirituality- defined by Oxford is that it relates to those things not material. This would be defining things that exist only because we believe in them, such as "love, God, even Art."

Merriam Webster defines it as Ecclesiastical, and those things constrained and guided to by religion.

How are you guys defining "spirituality" that is not associated with religion?

I'd answer your question but it would require using consciousness, which cannot be accounted for by you, Oxford or material I guess you'll just have to ruminate on it.


Dec 3, 2021
Connecticut, USA
Spirituality- defined by Oxford is that it relates to those things not material. This would be defining things that exist only because we believe in them, such as "love, God, even Art."

Merriam Webster defines it as Ecclesiastical, and those things constrained and guided to by religion.

How are you guys defining "spirituality" that is not associated with religion?
Mine is specifically defined (or constrained) by my chosen religion. For purposes of this thread I have been assuming the secular understanding so as to not violate any rules of forum.



Might Stick Around
Jan 19, 2022
Bridgewater Ma
Yes, absolutely. If you look at most of my "what are you smoking" threads you'll usually see a bible, rosary, or some other theological book on the table next to my pipe. Thant isn't because I'm trying to push anything on anyone, its just what I usually do while smoking. I find that there is something far more meditative/contemplative with smoking a pipe instead of cigars which is what I mainly enjoyed before. For me piping and spirituality go hand in hand. Nothing like meditating on the face of God with burley or latakia in the air!


Might Stick Around
Jan 19, 2022
Bridgewater Ma
"...Tobacco holds sway over the soul as much as it does the body. The qualities it takes in its various forms make it a near irresistible complement to the particular desire dominant in an individual’s soul. How we react to these forms says as much about our attitude toward those desires as it does toward the weed itself."
- Michael P. Foley is a Ph.D. candidate in theology at Boston College. He is currently completing his dissertation on St. Augustine.

Read the whole article here: Tobacco and the Soul | Michael P. Foley -
Thanks for posting this. It looks like an interesting read.
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Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
Pipe smoking for the original tobacco smoking piper smokers was founded in both the spiritual and religious. Black Elk, in Black Elk speaks makes this abundantly clear. The only rule violation I can see is if one were to push a conversation on others that criticized, provoked, pushed, or poked another smoker's beliefs. In the public schools, teachers can freely refer to religion in the historical context of a discussion (although common belief is that they can't). For our purposes, whether one is reading while smoking either the Bible or Zen, and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, the context is spiritual. The discussion isn't about the Bible or the Tao per se, but the spiritual experience one might feel and experience while smoking. For example, those who use DMT almost always refer to it as a spiritual experience.

Clearly, not everyone sees smoking their pipe in this manner. That's not debatable; but just as clearly, many do. The purpose of this thread is to provide a space for those people who do find smoking to have a deep meditative or spiritual connection to pipe smoking to discuss this aspect of pipe smoking.

We talk about all aspects of pipe smoking on this forum: Cleaning pipes, buying pipes, maintaining collections, evaluating aspects of pipe construction, etc. For many pipe smokers, contemplation and a connection to something ethereal is just as important.

Tobacco, chemically, lends itself to this aspect of humanity. To shield a discussion about this aspect of smoking (clearly, most posters do not want to do this) from being discussed would be disingenuous and counter productive. It would be like having a discussion about running and not talking about the runner's high. Anyway, I am and have been enjoying the many thoughts that have been shared here. Let's hope that pipe smoking never succumbs to the politically correct in our own den of discussion. It's hard enough as it is.
I smoke most of my day, so I couldn't possibly maintain such a sense of spirituality, or else I would become a Zen master or something.
That's not debatable;
The purpose of this thread is to
It is admirable that you are trying to guide a post on this forum, but my history here will show that one, the OP doesn't own nor control the threads they start, and this collection of members tends to not care where the conversation drifts.

So @telescopes tell us a little bit about your experiences with this sense of spirituality, beyond just you get it when you read the Bible and smoke. Maybe it will help your attempt to guide the thread, and invoke more of the same.
How do you know when your smoking becomes spiritual? Is it a feeling? If so, please explain.


Oct 13, 2021
How do you know when your smoking becomes spiritual? Is it a feeling? If so, please explain.
For me it is something that is generally realized "after the fact". A recognition of the passage of time & experience in a fashion which could lend itself to a "spiritual" sensation.
I do not have the literary acuity to put such a sensation into words that would be very interesting or inspire another to attempt to achieve the same. If it happens, it happens. I can't plan it. Yet?


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
I smoke most of my day, so I couldn't possibly maintain such a sense of spirituality, or else I would become a Zen master or something.

It is admirable that you are trying to guide a post on this forum, but my history here will show that one, the OP doesn't own nor control the threads they start, and this collection of members tends to not care where the conversation drifts.

So @telescopes tell us a little bit about your experiences with this sense of spirituality, beyond just you get it when you read the Bible and smoke. Maybe it will help your attempt to guide the thread, and invoke more of the same.
How do you know when your smoking becomes spiritual? Is it a feeling? If so, please explain.
For me it is something that is generally realized "after the fact". A recognition of the passage of time & experience in a fashion which could lend itself to a "spiritual" sensation.
I do not have the literary acuity to put such a sensation into words that would be very interesting or inspire another to attempt to achieve the same. If it happens, it happens. I can't plan it. Yet?
I think FLDRD did a fine job of explaining a sense of it. For me, it is being able to come to a place of calm, peace, and balance with myself and the world around me. This sense of peace and calm allows me appreciate and experience without conflict my inner self and the world around me. This awareness, this stillness, frees the mind from the limitations it has been trained to submit itself and opens it up to limitless ideas and curiosities that might otherwise go unnoticed.


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
I should add something important - I generally smoke twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening. At both times, I make sure I am in a place where I won't be bothered or interrupted and more importantly, I have no physical duties pressing on me. My only focus is keeping my pipe lit - this impacts my breathing, my sense of calm, and compartmentalizes my thoughts to what is right in front of me. I am sure all of these things are an aspect of why I see pipe smoking as leading to a sense of deeper understanding, meditation, and perhaps, spirituality. If I had to clean the patio while smoking the pipe, this would not be the case.
Dec 6, 2019
You know if I'm forced to think about such things... I find that the bottom line is:

When I first used tobacco it got me high, straight crossed my eyes. I liked that so I kept doing it until it was a habit, and then it didn't even make me high anymore.

Peter says: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour

Anything that makes me not sober isn't good for my spirituality. Tobacco doesn't prevent me from being sober, but it used to, and if it does it makes a person more vunerable to evil forces.

To be inebriated makes you less close to God... Well atleast my god.

Many people think they found God with acid or mushrooms... IMO they may have found someone other than God.

When you reach out spirtually something or someone will often answer, are you reaching out to God or just to anything that'll have you?
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Nov 26, 2018
I call it "void". Nothingness, but only because we do not know what's in that void. When I was younger.. Need to refill.

So, when I was younger, things like sudden reality of spiritual awakening was much easier. Falling in love, first kiss.. Hitting that third base. All but felt spiritual. I mean getting drunk as skunk and fighting with a cop was spiritual specially when getting punch by one.

But now, nothing feels spiritual. It all feel as it should be. I used to feel so alive when I lit that first smoke in the morning. Now, as much as I love it, it lost that special certain something.

I think it's because I'm ankle deep into a routine. Regimented in daily tasks. Need that kick in the ass to get me started. Feel that nothingness and realize there are so much more.