There is a guy who comes in my shop occasionally that is a hobby woodworker and at one time thought he was going to make pipes. So, he has these pipes made out of oak. Yeh... so he smokes these things, and while the aroma coming off of them leaves much to be desired, (can you imagine breaking that thing in?) it doesn't burn up. I've looked in the bowl, just caked like a briar. Yeh, I know, smoked regularly enough to cake, blech. But, damned if it didn't burn the wood.
I think that we over think all of this crap. Clay pipes don't breathe, which is the mother of all pipes. Pipestone, meerschaum, etc... why do we give briar pipes all of these properties that are just totally unnecessary? Was it that goofball Newcombe? Pipemakers? Did someone have to justify charging a thousand dollars a pipe?
Breathing, engineered drilled draft holes, it just seems like unnecessary BS to me. If I cannot blow through the side of my pipe, then air is not passing through it. Pipe smokers should not be so stupid. If we have to keep drawing on the pipe to keep it going, then we should know that air is not magically passing through the briar.
It's like people who spend a fortune on the most technologically advanced golf clubs expecting them to up their game, only to be dissapointed, and they blame the clubs. While there were Scotts playing the game with clubs they just hacked out with a hatchet. And, people playing awesome games with warped clubs bought at a thrift store. People don't want to admit that maybe they are just doing something wrong. User error. Plus, they have to justify spending $400+ on a pipe.
My theory is that the more an expensive pipe dissapoints someone, the more they rave about how good it is. Like my buddy who buys only Dunhill estates and has to relight the thing with a lighter with almost every puff, and how he raves about how damn good those pipes are, even though it is obvious to everyone that the guy just doesn't have a clue how to smoke, ha ha. All the money in the world want overcome poor smoking skills. And, the best smokers can take any old pipe and eventually smoke it like a Dunnie. My $0.02