A lot of great information here, ive actually only been smoking for a month but i had a couple unique problems in tasting the smoke cause i had similar issues.
when i first started i had some flavor but it was barely noticeable i even went and tried to get advice and watched lots of videos and there was a few things i was doing wrong.
1, i found out i naturally just dont do flavord or mellow tobaccos very well, we all have different tastes and your taste will likely change over time to so dont ever limit yourself.
2, i noticed i tried smoking more trying to figure out whats wrong and i just ended up making it worse, i got used to the smoke which didnt help with flavor, i got impatient and my tongue and mouth was destroyd so if you smoke a bowl try to wait awhile if your not getting anything might or might not help, also make sure you cleanse your mouth freqeuntly with some salt water and or mouth wash to help your mouth recover.
3, i was smoking to fast, even when i thought i was going super duper slow i was still smoking to fast, i kept needing to relight my pipe and i didnt like doing it more then 3 or 4 times or i'd get impatient, but you need to just get used to the idea that your gonna be relighting it a lot especially at first. another thing you can try is to just gently press the button of the stem to your lip and allow cool air to flow into your mouth with the smoke, let the smoke just kinda come in for the ride, that helped me realise i dont need huge plumes of smoke to get flavour and enjoy it, infact i noticed the more smoke there is the hotter its burning and the less flavor there is you just want little puffs.
and the fourth thing for me was kinda myself, for 10 years i had a nasal infection and i didnt even know i had it, i actually did this and found this out just for smoking cause i couldent get any taste was driving me insane even when i retrohaled i got almost no taste even with stronger flavourful tobaccos, so i used a netipot for about 2 weeks and i got rid of it and the flavor tripled.
another thing is, buy more then 1 tobacco, like i mentiond before i feel like if i just smoke one none stop i get used to the flavor and space out on it and or just dont pick it up as much as i did the first bowl or two, try to change it up every bowl see if it helps.
try different types of tobaccos too, on the packages or tins it will tell you usually what type of tobacco is in it, i would try more purer leafs first, like captain black has virginias and burleys and cavendish. try those tobaccos seperately to pick up on the individual flavors first that helped me realise what i liked and or could taste better or not, at first i loved cavendish, after i tried a burley, i HATED cavendish i dont even smoke aromatics with any large amounts of cavendish in it, however because tastes seem to constantly change when you start out i may be going back, so just keep a open mind and try to stay persistent with it and i'd try like 5-10 different tobaccos and the smoking of atleast a few ounces total before giving up on it.
You may just find a tobacco thats amazing to you, one tobacco really does make all the difference and depending on your chemsitry that will dictate your joyment with it.