The thread is 7 years old... And, it has barely been hit by the cob squad yet.
Sorry, I was purposefully neglecting this thread, but I didn’t realize the absence was so obvious.
Cobs are undisputedly the best pipes that have ever graced the lips of humanity.
The aerodynamics of the modern plastic Missouri Meerschaum stem bests the efforts of any and all other pipemakers. If someone wants to dispute such a claim, a minimum of five samples must be sent to me to verify both the individual performance and consistency of the pipemaker in question, and will be rejected for as inferior.
Missouri Meerschaum has, to my knowledge, never produced a pipe that smokes any worse than their absolute best result.
Specifically note that the soft plastic stems are a critical part of this formula, the wide draft and inner geometry of the injection molded stem being the pinnacle of tobacco pipe engineering. Not all cobs come with one, but the plastic stems can still be adapted to anything they produce.
Briar and Vulcanite are usually still better looking and more durable.