My, Oh My. That is patriotism
^^^^ This
Belgium, Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy all produce superlative chocolate.
The Iron Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck when refusing a glass of (German) sekt Said "My patriotism stops with my palate".
ie I will not give up drinking Champagne
One of my pet peeves and constant laments is that young boys in poverty stricken Humansville must drink almost nothing but dollar bottles of Fireball whiskey, to judge by all the empties that litter the streets.
Not to be a prig I tried a Fireball with some young people visiting at my farm and it was truly delicious.
The only booze and smoke shop left in Humansville sells 20 Fireballs in a bucket and gives free ice from the soda pop dispenser, and a little change back from a 20 dollar bill.
They also sell cartons of 24/7 cigarettes for the same price.
Just as good as any other American commercial cigarette and that means excellent.
In America, we’ve mastered mass sinning on a truly industrial scale.
If it rots your teeth, makes you fat, pickles your brain or ruins your lungs we make the best everybody can afford.