I am having a pretty bad time with my teeth.
I have a molar that needs to come out. This is after a failed root canal to save it. I have been on antibiotics, on and off, for the past month.
The fix is a dental implant. The fix is problematic at best. Due to the location of the tooth and past history I will need a bone graft. This will be done when they remove the tooth and put in the base. In addition to all this drama, they are concerned that I will not have enough clearance in my sinuses and will need to basically have my sinus moved up. This will all have to heal and complete grafting over a six month period.
After the six months they will install the implant. That will take another six months of healing.
I have been doing a lot of reading and every site indicates that smoking is the worst possible thing to be doing. I tend to think this makes logical sense.
Unlike cigarette smoking where a year of forced quitting would be great encouragement to give up a harmful habit, I am looking a year off of my hobby.
It's not the end of the world. It sucks to be sure. I haven't discussed it with the dentist as of yet.
My thought is to bring it up here and see what others experience is here.
Not smoking for a year is fine, my teeth are way more important.
Just wondering if anyone has been through this and has any words of advice/ encouragement.
I have a molar that needs to come out. This is after a failed root canal to save it. I have been on antibiotics, on and off, for the past month.
The fix is a dental implant. The fix is problematic at best. Due to the location of the tooth and past history I will need a bone graft. This will be done when they remove the tooth and put in the base. In addition to all this drama, they are concerned that I will not have enough clearance in my sinuses and will need to basically have my sinus moved up. This will all have to heal and complete grafting over a six month period.
After the six months they will install the implant. That will take another six months of healing.
I have been doing a lot of reading and every site indicates that smoking is the worst possible thing to be doing. I tend to think this makes logical sense.
Unlike cigarette smoking where a year of forced quitting would be great encouragement to give up a harmful habit, I am looking a year off of my hobby.
It's not the end of the world. It sucks to be sure. I haven't discussed it with the dentist as of yet.
My thought is to bring it up here and see what others experience is here.
Not smoking for a year is fine, my teeth are way more important.
Just wondering if anyone has been through this and has any words of advice/ encouragement.