Dental Nightmare, Pipe Smoking

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Can't Leave
Sep 15, 2012
I am having a pretty bad time with my teeth.

I have a molar that needs to come out. This is after a failed root canal to save it. I have been on antibiotics, on and off, for the past month.
The fix is a dental implant. The fix is problematic at best. Due to the location of the tooth and past history I will need a bone graft. This will be done when they remove the tooth and put in the base. In addition to all this drama, they are concerned that I will not have enough clearance in my sinuses and will need to basically have my sinus moved up. This will all have to heal and complete grafting over a six month period.

After the six months they will install the implant. That will take another six months of healing.
I have been doing a lot of reading and every site indicates that smoking is the worst possible thing to be doing. I tend to think this makes logical sense.

Unlike cigarette smoking where a year of forced quitting would be great encouragement to give up a harmful habit, I am looking a year off of my hobby.
It's not the end of the world. It sucks to be sure. I haven't discussed it with the dentist as of yet.

My thought is to bring it up here and see what others experience is here.

Not smoking for a year is fine, my teeth are way more important.

Just wondering if anyone has been through this and has any words of advice/ encouragement.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I've I were you, and I'm not, I would get a second opinion from a dentist who stays up on all of the latest techniques. There are some options that may work for you which stimulate bone growth, even in older patients. Not knocking yours or any other dentist, just sayin'.



Dec 5, 2011
I had dental surgery just before Christmas. Not quite to the extent you're about to face, but still. It just involved removing an old impacted wisdom tooth (think gum removal, bone removal, tooth removal)
I took off smoking for over a month. Given my surgery was way less, I'd say you are indeed looking at some considerable time off.
My dentist also gave me a product called PerioSciences Dental Gel Blast. It's an anti-oxidant gel specifically designed to help gum tissue healing for smokers. Apply it each time after using nicotine. I have no affiliation, stocks, interest or anything in the company. I'm not even sure it really works or not. But when I started smoking again after my month break, I did use it quite religiously. I just stopped using it and don't really have any discomfort anymore. Just a big old hole in the back the size of a green pea ;-)
May be worth talking to your dentist about. Regardles... good luck and much strength with the forced break. Not much we can do about it honestly.



Jan 21, 2014
Agree with getting second opinion.

As an orthopedic surgeon, however, I can tell you that smoking has caused countless patients to have failed bone grafting procedures.



Oct 8, 2012
Depending on where the molar is that will be lost you might not need an implant. I also lost a molar in the upper left quadrant and I did not have money for any implants. One tooth missing has not caused any problems for me.
I only wished I had pulled the tooth rather than spent all the money on root canals and crowns.
I hope works out well for your dental treatment.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
Austin, TX
As much as it sucks to have to put the pipe down, doing what's best for the success of your procedure is worth it.
On the bright side, your tobacco will age and the pipes will be there waiting for when you're ready.



Can't Leave
Sep 15, 2012
Thanks all.

The implant is a necessity asI already lost a molar back there. It is getting rather roomy in the back of my mouth.

The bone graft is pretty much the standard for this type of situation.

I have been to another dentist and pretty much the same route was discussed, down to the sinal issue and graft.

I rather think you are right Mike. A year of age on my tobacco cellar may be what I force myself to do.

I will surely discuss with my dentist... It s probable that he will take the side of non smoking.



Jul 27, 2012
Really sorry to hear it TT. I agree, if it were cigarettes, might be a blessing in disguise - but for a pipe smoker, not good. I think you may need to just get used to the idea of no pipe for a while. If you rush it, or don't give enough time for proper healing, could become a lifetime of issues.
Best of luck to you.



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
A friend of mine had similar surgery two weeks ago. Parts of her hard palate grafted onto her jaw in two places. Pain was manageable. The good news is the mouth heals really fast!



Jul 30, 2012
And they will also probably tell you not to drink with a straw either.

Had it done several times before. +1 Warren.



Nov 18, 2013
I agree with the comment from the orthopedic surgeon above. Smoking has a proven negative effect on the healing of the sinus lift and subsequent osseointegration of the implant. Of course it depends to an extent on how much smoking, but any smoking will be a negatve factor. Considering the cost of the treatment, and the cost of having to explant a failed implant and do it over, if it were me I would give it every chance for success. So if the advice is to lay off the pipe until it has completely integrated, if it were me I would listen to them.



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
Why not have a bridge and forget about an implant?

Why--so he can smoke his pipe? One thing about implants--once they are completely set/healed/etc., they look, feel and act just like the real thing. Implants are one of the modern miracles of dentistry. The only thing better will be the day when you'll be able to regrow your own teeth. To give up the benefits of dental implants in order to smoke a pipe makes no sense at all.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
I have experience with dental bone graft(s). If I described it in vivid detail your piss run would cold, and you would elect to not have it done.

I swear I would rather lose all my teeth than go through that again.

It's one of those procedures that are done only because the patient has no idea what he's in for.



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
I've had dental bone grafts and found them very successful and problem free. Everyone has anecdotal tales to share, some positive, some negative. When n=1, there isn't much information to be garnered, and certainly no inference to a general proposition.

By the way, although we have physicians on this forum, do we have any dentists? It would be interesting to have one weigh in on the issue. Or--maybe they don't smoke pipes--or perhaps they're not admitting it if they do.



Apr 1, 2013
I would much rather have a dental implant that failed, than to have never tried. My wife has dentures, and for her it has meant giving up on many foods and changing her lifestyle. She will never know if dental implants worked for -her- and that is sad, but it is now done and there is no going back.
Do what -you- want, but be careful taking someone's misfortune as an omen of what will happen to -you- as it might just be the right thing for you.



Feb 21, 2013
Prioritize having a working set of teeth so you can process your food and maintain your health. Dental

health plays a role in heart health too. This will take some healing. Then assess your smoking, and if

and how it can continue. Maybe very moderate smoking. But eating comes first. I wish you good health.

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