Dedicated pipes

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Oct 6, 2024
Ludlow, UK
Not sure whether this is a basic question, or an Intermediate, or an Advanced... and apologies if a similar thread already exists (I've had a cursory look, but there are so many). Anyhow... given that one can only own so many pipes, and that rotating them is generally considered desirable, I wonder what the hive mind thinks about dedicating different pipes to specific Virginia/Perique blends? I ask, because no blend seems to smoke the same in different pipes, no matter how thoroughly any ghost has been exorcized from them. How much of this, do we think, is actual physics, and how much psychology?
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Dedicate your pipes however you fancy. But, it can be difficult to keep up with. I have seen members here put paper tags held on with strings to remind them of what is smoked in which pipe. I have a few dedicated to genres of blends, and the rest are just general use, but I have well over 100 pipes.

I have not found that only smoking one blend ever in a pipes makes that much of a difference. But, some blends just don't mix well with everything.
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Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014



Oct 6, 2024
Ludlow, UK

@Chasing Embers: Thank you. I clearly need to refine my search skills :)


May 20, 2023
Connecticut (shade leaf tobacco country)
There is no limit to how many pipes one can own. Why limit yourself in this wonderful hobby!? The only limit is your budget. There are people who smoke one blend one maker per pipe. Some dedicate to genre like Latakia only pipe or Aromatic only. Some smoke everything in one pipe. Just that one. I have found that lingering aftertaste i.e. ghost is sometime desirable and ok. Sometimes not. If you want to dedicate think Latakia only, aromatic only, and everything else. That's three pipes. You can do it on a lower budget with cobs and if your budget has a lot of room then go all out. Of you're not sure and you like Latakia try Latakia in an moderately priced briar for a several months then try a Virginia flake in that same pipe and see if you like that flavor combined with Latakia. Try the Virginia in a 5 dollar new cob first and you might see a difference. 5 or 10 dollar cobs from MM are the best for tasting.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2024
London UK
Hah. My favourite smoke is Cabbies but the full integrated flavours only come good in one pipe that I have - a few others have come 3/4 the way, but I still search for another that nails it. Of course, I have an identical pipe that I bought as a spare, maybe I should begin using it.


Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
I never used to dedicate anything, being i only smoke bur/va blends. But recently I've become stricken with C&D Burley flake 4, which has latakia in it. And I found my bent SMS meer to be the best for that blend. So unintentionally it became dedicated to only that blend.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 24, 2024
New Mexico
I dedicated pipes when I first started out because I was experimenting with all different genres of tobacco and thought I needed to, based on internet hearsay. I had pipes for Latakia blends, aromatic blends, and Virginia and Virginia/Perique blends. Now I mostly just smoke burley, Virginia, Virginia/Perique blends, with the occasional aromatic or Latakia blend. I no longer dedicate pipes. I noticed no ghosting when I turned my Latakia pipes over to general use, but I have a very dull palate. I have never tried Lakeland blends. That might require a dedicated pipe, from what I have read. Try not dedicating and see if you can tell the difference. Dedicate a pipe to Latakia for a while then smoke a blend without Latakia and see if you can detect a ghost. If you can't tell the difference, it will make life much easier.


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
I have dedicated a great many pipes to specific blends. I have dedicated many pipes to specific genres. I want to enjoy the flavors I'm supposed to get when I have smoke. I can taste remnants of prior tobaccos when I switch blends, and I really don't want to do that. I'm not a parfait smoker.

If a blend or genre of tobacco doesn't work in a pipe, I clean it and start over until I find the match that suits my preference. I often review with meers so I don't get any lingering notes from another blend.

I know what works for my comfort level, and before long, so do most beginners. All that matters is what makes you happy.

Joe H

Starting to Get Obsessed
May 22, 2024
I'm one of those "anything in any pipe" guys. I smoke 90%+ aromatics and all of my pipes smell like cherry. I keep my pipe nook in the bedroom and if my wife notices any smell (a rare event), she likes it. I can tell by smell which pipes have been used with other than aros, but rarely by taste. In any case, it doesn't reduce my smoking enjoyment a bit.