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Jan 7, 2023
Casa Grande, AZ
My mind is way too disorganized, and my palate too vague, to dedicate at this point.
Fortunately, Latakia and non-euro aromatics aren’t part of my usual rotation.
I may be at the point where it may be good for a pipe or two to get committed to the few Lakeland style aros I do smoke occasionally.


Might Stick Around
Jul 25, 2024
Generally pipes with wide chambers will get more complex blends. Narrow chambers get VA related blends.
I've not thought about doing this. Sounds about right based on my pipes, but have not noticed it working out that way until you said it.


Might Stick Around
Jul 25, 2024
Nope. I smoke what I want to in any pipe I have. I ain't afraid of no ghosts. A couple pipes or a light cleaning will get rid of most ghosts for me. If I do worry, I start in a cob and go from there. In my opinion inexorable ghosts are another myth of the pipe world.
I was thinking the same thing. This has been my experience as well, with one exception... I generally won't mix aromatics with english blends in the same large bowl pipe. I will, however, mix in my small bowl pipe. I have one dedicated to whatever I want, when I want. It's been an interesting, although impure, experience. I have enjoyed it most of the time, and only occasionally find it unpleasant.


Sep 17, 2023
I’m trying to heard my lat blends into just a few pipes but its tough. I do think the sav I got today will be for one lat blend that tends to burn a bit quick. The larger bowl will be good. Other than a few heavy lats the remainder land where they may.


Can't Leave
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
I used to have a loose colour code for different genres of tobacco, i.e., light finish for Virginias, dark finish for Englishes, etc. As time has gone on, I have amassed enough pipes to dedicate specific pipes to specific blends (and their variants). Some are used more broadly.

Sometimes my choices are playful, where I’ll pair a pipe that is wrapped with Pony Hair covered leather (or a figural horse shaped pipe) with a blend that has a horse element in its name; or I might have a pipe made for a particular tobacconist and smoke blends from that tobacconist in that pipe.
Funny you mention this.
Some pipes just "look" like they are for a certain genre.
I have an old rusticated GBD with a very dark brown color and a very odd rustication that just screamed HEAVY LATAKIA when I got it.
It has been a great Latakia smoker for many years.....mostly C&D Star of the East.


Dec 3, 2021
Connecticut, USA
No and No. First, I decide what tobacco I 'need' to smoke; then I decide which pipe to smoke based on how much I want to smoke (size) and which ones are clean and ready to go. That took longer to type than the thought process involved. As I rinse my pipes regularly no real need to dedicate. Also I only smoke a few blends.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 2, 2023
Vancouver BC
I have two pipes dedicated to Borkum Riff Bourbon and two pipes dedicated to Rattray's Marlin Flake. After smoking both blends a fair amount I just found that those blends smoked consistently well in those particular pipes. The BR Bourbon pipes I do smoke other whisky or adjacent aro blends in. The Marlin Flake pipes generally also smoke any other VA flakes I'm smoking as well. I also have a J Upshall Canadian semi dedicated to Lat blends
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 3, 2021
I only have one pipe that's dedicated to a single blend which is a Dr. Grabow Savoy, and it smokes Captain Black White so well that that's all it gets. I have a few pipes reserved for Latakia blends and the same for aromatics but for the most part I will smoke any other kind of blend in whichever pipe I choose. I like to keep things simple.
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Aug 11, 2022
Cedar Rapids, IA
Dedicating a pipe to a particular genre or even a specific blend can really enhance your experience. Blenders will often dedicate a pipe (or several ) to a prototype blend for a while to ensure that the taste and aroma are not being affected by past smokes.

That said, I don't have the mental bandwidth to dedicate all of my pipes, so I play fairly loose with some of them. And the consequences of a "bad" sequence of smokes vary with the types of blends, too. I'm just not gonna alternate fruity aromatics and stinky Balkans in the same pipe, but sometimes it's fun and enjoyable to smoke a plain Virginia out of a pipe that usually sees fruity aromatics or stinky Balkans. puffy


Can't Leave
Sep 13, 2019
Atlanta, GA
<-- is dedicated to BCA.
I've got Comoy dedicated to all other black Cavendish blends.
I've got a Savinelli 315 dedicated to Ennerdale.
My churchwarden is dedicated to aromatics.
I only smoke Haunted Bookshop in my Peterson Mycroft. I've smoked other things in that Mycroft, but I can't see smoking Haunted Bookshop in anything else for whatever reason.

The rest is a free-for-all.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 8, 2010
Cleveland, OH
I was about to post a thread asking basically the same thing. I divvy up my pipes into roughly three categories, Aromatics, English/Lat Blends, and Virginia's. Burleys start in a Cob and then depending on what else is in em I'll interchange with a Lat/Va pipe. Maybe I should dedicate some to burleys too... Jeez I might have to go and get more pipes. See what you made me do?

As far as reasoning behind what gets smoked in what I think I subconsciously will smoke Virginia's in a more narrow chambered bowl but beyond that it tends to be whatever pipe I grabbed at the time. There's no method to my madness.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 17, 2022
Memphis, Tennessee
I went a little overboard with dedicating pipes to my favorite tobaccos. The ???????? just means I'm deciding on which pipe to use for that tobacco. And yes, I know, overboard. lol

View attachment 334461
View attachment 334462
Somebody likes Moonshine pipes... I have one Cannonball in the wire rusticated/black stem and admit it is a great smoker. There's no way I could keep your system straight!


Jan 3, 2021
Los Angeles, California
Somebody likes Moonshine pipes... I have one Cannonball in the wire rusticated/black stem and admit it is a great smoker. There's no way I could keep your system straight!
Yes I really fell for the shape, feel in hand and ease of clinch.
I read way too deep into the ghosting of pipes when I started so I started dedicating pipes early. I am pretty much done buying new blends so I believe the list should stay as is.............maybe. Hahaha!