when i downloaded windows 7 (nice, like 7 better than xp, just not well versed or practiced with it, yet) i let it totally re-do everything, thusly had to start all over getting set up. i had an option to save what i wanted to but decided to let the installation down load and make a clean puter. i only had one pic of a 48" river musky and its gone :crying:
am hoping the better half gets an assinement in a state where i can use the long rod for musky and pike. will drive up towing boat to join her. will use my salt water flies and sw 10wt and probably a sink tip and clousers. hopefully will get some pics up there where ever that may turn out to be.
anonymous, with the kayak pics looks like he is fishing mosquito lagoon with the space center in the back ground.
mosquito and indian river lagoon are "the" top choice fishing destinations and lots of guides around there that really know the where to's and how to's. most guides the tackle whether fly cast or spin..too many over slot size reds to be caught there. some of the finest inshore fishing in the state of florida.
since this popped into my mind rather than usually popping out, will say this and quit rampling on.
i know alot guys are intimidated by braid whether on spin or casting. also by tying on a leader. what i do to connect braid to mono is an overkill slim beauty. will use a short leader, at most a foot long, about 40 or 60lb florocarbon,(prefer orvis lines) loop knot the other end and loop whatever lb. floro i want and loop knot to lure.
if you havent heard of it, Fins makes braids and i love their wind tammer line, it works. florida most of the time is windy on the water, i mean windy. have tried my best to get loop knots (where it wraps around rod tips and can cause loop like knots in the reel spool. into, across and down wind.
what alot of new braid users dont realize it takes alot less effort to set the hook and can easily harm the fish. am a c&r fisherman(catch and release) and will revive a tired out fish before release. if i want to eat fish it will be either at a restaurant or somebody who knows how to cook it.
if you are ever down here you really need to fish them atleast just once. well worth it.
ok, done ramblin, your turn. usless i think of something else. :wink: