johnbowes said
breaking in a new pipe, a Peterson Rock of Cashel
I get a real kick out of the whole break-in process. Talk about OCD! I'm positively anal-retentive; typically I fill up only halfway, or less, for the first (dare I admit it) 100 smokes! And I use the spoon end of my trusty pipe nail to burnish the developing cake after every smoke. OCD to the max

, but it produces a very durable and smooth cake, eventually. Well, hey, I'm retired and I'm entitled to my eccentricities.
John, enjoy that "Pete!" Is it a P-lip or fishtail? I never really heard a bad word about those pipes; and the one I have is among the most comfortable pipes I've ever owned.
Just finished a bowl of C&D's
Trinidad, the Burleyphile's alternative to a Vaper, consisting of Cavendish, Burley, Perique and Deertongue. Solid Burley taste with a spicy character as befitting the season.