Dealing With the Naysayers

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Mar 16, 2013
Thank you all for the support! One more question if it is permitted. What about smoking staining teeth? My teeth are already stained because of some health complications early on, and I plan on getting them re-enameled to a pearly white over the summer. If there is no way to stop smoking from staining them yellow, it might become a "my way or the highway" deal. I'm looking forward to having white teeth for once in my life and don't want to spoil that. I suppose I shouldn't whine, a man can't have everything can he?



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 29, 2012
This comes down to basic care for your teeth. Make sure you are making an extra effort to clean your teeth. Be aware it's generally not one thing that is destructive to your body. If you drink alot of coffee, smoke, and eat a bunch of candy not much you can do.
Also someone please correct me if I am wrong but tar plays a major role in the staining of your teeth. Using a pipe helps eliminate that compared to cigars and cigarettes.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 6, 2012
I drink coffee every morning, and even with smoking pipes and cigars, I do not see much of any staining. My dentist said, "oh there's a little staining." and I told him I drink coffee and smoke cigars. But he wasn't worried.
Yeah, just brush em! I am not sure how a false enamel will react, maybe worth a little research. I don't know if those would be resistant to staining, the same as real enamel, or worse.



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
Kas, that was a great essay.
Along with the information I have gathered on this forum, I have found that the writing and careful thoughts expressed here are just a pleasure to read.
I feel privileged to belong to this small but educated group of folks with a common interest.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I say do what you want... unless your parents are fitting the tuition bill lol. But seriously I think the best thing to do is sit down and mention the positives like not inhaling the smoke and the stress relieving it brings about. I'd also advise in continuing to respect your parents in that if they don't want you smoking around their house then it's best not to.

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
Everything in moderation. As for me I go back and forth on pipes and cigars, and only smoke 1-4 times a week between the two hobbies. I don't inhale either and I make sure that if I'm inside my man-cave I open the windows and a turn on my fan to vent the air in the room. I also go to the dentist 3 times a year. As long as you keep it as a hobby and not an addiction you'll be okay. With so many things in this world today that can or will cause cancer I'm not worried about smoking a pipe or a cigar a few times a week. As a male I'm more likely to get prostate cancer than oral cancer from the occasional pipe or cigar.
In 1978 the American Cancer Society, American Cancer Institute, and a university in Pennsylvania did a study and found that pipe smokers lived on average 2 years longer than non-smokers. It was determined that the pipe smokers were more relaxed and had less stress which led to living longer than the non-smoker.
Here are a few studies I've found online in the past talking about health and pipe smoking.
Maybe you can read through these and find some information that may help your cause when talking with your parents about pipe smoking.



Can't Leave
Oct 14, 2012
I think most people can understand the difference between smoking a pipe and smoking cigs. One is addiction and the other is leisure. that is the most important thing to portray to your audience. I dont think my mom was thrilled the first time I smoked a pipe in front of her but after the first time I smoked a bowl of 1Q she changed her mind. She will even occasionally ask me to smoke a bowl of it by name when we are out enjoying drinks on the patio.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 7, 2013
You are a grown man and you can do as you please. Never ask for permission for anything, your parents lived their lives now it is your turn. Respect and hear them out but make it clear you have made your decision and expect them to respect it. Respect is a two way street.



Part of the Furniture Now
Gray: go get that old pipe cleaned up, estate pipes are wonderful on their own but having one that the previous smoker was/is someone near and dear to you, that's just an amazing smoke. I've got my grandad's old medico lancer, it smokes hot enough to burn my hand if I'm holding it wrong, and it is one of my favorite smokes, throw a bit of captain black gold in it and think about old pop bill in his workshop/man cave, cussin about that durn woman crawlin up his arse about fixing the GD dining room table chair, wouldn't have to fix it if her mother weren't so durn heavy. Meanwhile he's fitting a new leg, muttering about needing to get a good ole iron I-beam to hold her up. Or sitting out on the front porch after mowing the lawn telling me that he wants to just pave the whole thing and spray paint it green, to save on gas and back-ache, but that durn woman(I should note that referring to my grandmother like this was mostly affectionate and always out of earshot)just won't let him.



Mar 20, 2013
Knight Island, AK
Hello Everyone, I am new and this is my first post. I have been caretaking alone on a remote ranch in Wyoming for the past 5 months and have made a couple of decisions while I've been out here. One was to begin smoking a pipe the instant I returned to society. I have had plenty of time to research the subject and have already bought a few pipes from the bay. I'm no expert, but here is my 2 cents on the subject and a reference to a great article that might give you a new way of looking at smoking. The article may be posted elsewhere on this site, and many of you may already be familiar with it, in any case it deserves all the promotion it can get imho.
I started smoking cigarettes at 13; daily when I was 15. I have never been sick a day in my life short of a few sniffles here and there, but I quit 7 years ago convinced by anti-tobacco rhetoric of the health risks. I am now 44. Since then I have enjoyed a cigar from time to time over the years, but the fact is I enjoy smoking, and miss the very act of it greatly. Period. My mother has smoked cigs since she was 19 everyday...she's 66 - Healthy. My father has chain smoked Kools since he was a teenager and still does, often lighting his next one with the last...he is 70 - Healthy; still works as a millwright. Now, his father smoked heavily as well, and died of a massive heart attack brought on by undiagnosed heart disease at age 56. Smoking related? Who knows? Could have just as easily been influenced by working in a saw mill for 30 years, raising 5 kids under the Nixon-Ford-Carter presidential procession, or 70's John Lennon than burning down a pack of Chesterfields a day. A brand touted to the American people with full support by Hollywood wunderkind and future beloved world leader Ronald Reagan, btw.
Point is "risk" is in every single thing we do, every single second of our existence no matter how risk averse our society becomes. I do not skydive, or drive a car in a smog covered city but I do not campaign against those who choose to do so. I say "Live"; and to the naysayers "Let me Live, I am not hurting you despite which scientific belief system you are currently alloying yourself to." I refrain from inquiring as to what personal "life threatening" activities they choose to justify because I would rather just leave them to it and hope for the best(that's my "diplomacy" slipping through).
In my research I discovered a fantastically written essay on the subject of smoking by musician Joe Jackson. I was always kind of on the fence about his music, and often wondered about the health risks associated with hearing it; but after reading his article on smoking I certainly am in full harmony with his views on the current climate of vilification of tobacco and all of it's enthusiasts. Well researched, thoroughly referenced, and articulated this article is a must-read by anyone who struggles with the "should I-shouldn't I" intricacies of smoking. It also gives some small intellectual defenses against the now tyrannical proportions of finger wagging, "everybody knows that will kill you" masses who have accepted at face value the "facts" based more on precepts of religious belief than of true scientific method.
It is a bit lengthy, but well worth the effort. I intend to read it again when I return home. Sitting in my easy chair, Dunhill packed with Father Dempsey, a neat bourbon on one side, my dog on the other while my smoke swells and mixes with whatever culinary wonderment my wife has chosen for the evening meal. Life is short, Life is good. Do not waste too much time on how others feel you should spend it.
"Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it" - Mark Twain. I am a fan. Enjoy and good luck. - JOgrefoln



Jan 31, 2011
@jogrefoln: Welcome to the forum, and thanks for the Joe Jackson post...I hadn't seen that before...very cool.



Mar 16, 2013
I bought my first pipe when I was 16. At the time, our high school had a smoking area outside where we would go to smoke during breaks. I got a lot of stares, but the thing I learned is that at the end of the day, you have to do what makes you happy. For me, smoking a pipe has been the genesis of much happiness. As for parents, they want what is best, however, mom and dad will have to cut the cord at some point. Ultimately, they want you to be happy and for you to live your life as best as you can. I've smoked a pipe for 30 years now and I still look like I'm in my late twenties. My brother-in-law, who is a non-smoker, is a year younger than me and he looks like he is ten years older than he really is. Pipe smoking slows you down and the rituals that are involved take some concentration. We tend to be more reflective when we slow down and take the time to smell the flowers. I STILL get stares, but I also have a lot of people who say they have always enjoyed the smell of pipe tobacco, especially the cavendishes, Latakia doesn't go down well for most people, though. Many people will tell you how the pipe reminds them of their father or grandfather, which brings up good memories for them. Forget the naysayers, they ALWAYS have something to bitch about. Better to be a nice pipe-smoker than an asshole nicotine nazi.....just my two cents.



Mar 28, 2013
I don't find that pipes are a hazard to health. As long as its in moderation and you care for your teeth well. It disturbs me that people think pipes are exactly the same as cigarettes. They are two completely different things. My parents don't mind me smoking much. I didn't even tell them about it, I just bought one and my mom told me not to smoke it all the time. Infact, they bought me a couple cobs and some burley kake for Christmas :D

I don't think it worries them much since I only smoke once or twice a week or even only once every couple weeks. It's not something I plan to do, I just decide depending on the afternoon or on my mood or how stressed I am. So you could probably tell them that pipes aren't a habit, they're actually a hobby.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 8, 2013
If they reacted that way, then you'll probably never convince them that it is "safe" or anything like that. On the other hand, you are an adult and they should recognize that. Now they might have more of a say if you are still under their roof, but point out to them that you know the risks and that there is a lot worse you could be doing. I am 21 and started smoking a pipe at age 20. I have never smoked anything else. Like you, I am in college. I have found the pipe to be a huge stress release and also a way to focus. To me, any possible risks are more than offset by the benefits I am gaining. Folks are so easily indoctrinated and brainwashed about the evils of tobacco, yet pay no heed to all the other nasty things they are exposed to on a daily basis. Ever see Supersize Me? A McDonald's diet nearly killed the guy. Fast food is poisonous, plain and simple. As is most everything that comes out of a grocery store. Throw in car exhaust, pesticides, paints, hairsprays, body washes, soaps, fluoride, growth hormones and antibiotics in meat and poultry, radiation from cell phones and other electronic device, et cetera ad nauseam... You get the point. Just about everything nowadays is bad for your health and there are far worse things than pipes that you are regularly coming into contact with that noone gives a hoot about. If the antismoking lot were as zealous for healthy living as they are for their fascist measures, then they would pack up and move way out in the middle of nowhere and become self-sufficient in living off the land. Sorry for getting on the soap box, but I, for one, count my pipe as beneficial to me because of the stress relief I get from it. Whatever risks it may carry are not very substancial compared to just the few things that I listed.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 8, 2013
Here is the honest Truth of the whole health matter: if pipe tobacco was the most damaging thing to my health, then I would live to be a 150.

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