I love my Neerups, Old Stanwells, Nordings, Coldings, and Eltang. Danish pipes are far from under-appreciated here. I think that English pipes are just more in fashion at the moment, because people are going through their "boring" phase, ha ha.
I love my Neerups, the look, the way they smoke, and the design. My biggest criticism of Neerup is that 3 out of 4 of my Neerups have absolutely no nomenclature on the pipes. With Neerup influencing and making pipes for other brands, I fear that many of Neerup's pipes in the future will just hit the estate market as "no name" pipes. They do have a signature look "for now," but as the other pipe companies are staring to be influenced by Jeppesen, in 10 or so years, it won't be easy to tell.
Old Stanwells were rivals to Dunhills back in their day, and that factory produced not only great designs, but some of the greatest most sought after pipe designers in the world. They are like pieces of history. The new Stans... they may be ok smokers and cheap enough to stay viable in the middle class market, but the designs are becoming more obviously Italian influenced. I don't consider the new ones to be Danish any longer. Nor would I take one if someone offered me one for free.