LOL. Hope this doesn't gross anyone out, but I think it is sort of cool. Funny about Pets and Pet owners.
Her name is Lucy, she is a 4yr old Quacker Parrot, (sometimes called Monk Parrot)I forget what species of bird she is and what her name is. Could you tell us again?
No mate, she is no better behaved. We are currently "Pottie" training her. She squats when she wants to unload, so she can often be corrected at that time and taken over to her "Pottie Spottie". You can't always catch her in time but we keep a "Wipie" handy at all times. Small price to pay for the affection she gives us. Good nite kisses, thank you's, peek-a-boo games, whistling, clucking, singing, dancing etc. and the list goes on.I heard that parrots take a dump every 15 minutes, I am guessing those birds are a bit better behaved
That's pretty neat - you're making me want to consider a bird now! lol!Ya, I am afraid she is spoiled rotten. We have only had her a few Months and we cannot believe how attached we have become. The only time she is in her cage is when we are not home, and her bedtime, which is 9:00pm. Other than that, she has the run of the House. I even take her to the Gym room here, while I am using the weights she sits and watches me, when I am on the treadmill, she sits on the handle of it.