That's great.
Remember, dinner is just dinner. I wouldn't start complaining until she starts smoking your tobacco.
Remember, dinner is just dinner. I wouldn't start complaining until she starts smoking your tobacco.
Same situation here mate. Lucy will poop on your shoulder and then do the "sideways shuffle", so that she isn't standing near it. We take here cage outdoors every Sunday and clean and disenfect it. Toys and perches included. Takes about half an hour.Birds are a bit of a chore to clean up after, even our smaller one. He leans out of the cage and poops on the floor at least daily. If you don't get it right away, it gets hard as concrete and can be a task to clean up. We never figured out whey he leans out, but guess he doesn't want to poop where he sleeps! I take apart and clean the cage weekly, adding fresh bedding, that takes about 25 minutes or so.