Honest opinion - as I'm pretty stocked for tobacco - I've had Sam's Flake- Found it good+ but nothing to rave crazy about - is Brown No. 4 , FVF, and Best Brown worthy of more panic buying?
I love E. Q Blends and would prob. gravitate towards buying more Watch Blends vs. anything else.
What do you think?
What about that Wessex or Fribourg offerings like the Plug - I was never a full Virginia man until recently.
Nothing is worthy of panic buying. If you like VaPers, Saint James Flake is a good one fresh, even better if you give it even modest time to age. I like FVF, but I am not as over the moon about it as some are. i reach for Best Brown more. Brown #4 is a full on high test rope, one I have and occasionally smoke. But it for sure isn’t an all day tobacco for me.
There are two light Virginia’s that do’t score high on reviews because, IMO, they don’t have nuch if any “Lakeland essence” and aren’t powerhouses. SG Golden Glow and GH Broken Scotch Cake are as good as any lighter VA I have found on the market in years.
I am not sure about the Wessex Curly Cut. I smoked both recipes of the Peter Heinrich Curly Cut, and was very disappointed in the newer recipe. If Watch City has any left whenever the government stimulates me, I will throw in a few ounces when I next order. The Wessex Gold Brick is a winner, but I am working off a stash I accumulated a few years back.
F&T Cut Virginia Plug , Cut Blended Plug, Wessex Campaign Dark Flake, Astleys 44, etc. are all worth a try IMO.
While Ernie has done wonders with Virginia’s and VaPers (Rougaroux is a home run, will be released on 4/1), IMO if you can stomach Burley at all, you should be able to find something you will love. He usually offers a Burley Sampler. Just make sure it includes Watch City Slices. .