I have these in my watch list as well. The one with the cow is nice I just don't like the cow. If it was anything but lol. But they should clean up real nice. I've heard some of these BBK pipes can have sterling silver caps. So I'm looking out for one of those.These three pipes have really stuck out to me and I am planning on purchasing at least two of them. I am somewhat familiar with the history of BBK after reading up on them, but I just love the style. I will most likely never smoke them, but I will like how they look on the pipe rack. I want to know which out of the three you would get?
Pipe choice 1: Vintage Swiss Made B.B.K. BBK Smoking Tobacco Pipe Deer Sunflower | eBay - https://www.ebay.com/itm/224957733292?_trkparms=ni_actn%3Anav%7Cni_nt%3ABID_ITEM_ENDING_SOON%7Cni_apos%3A2%7Cni_sg%3A1%7Cni_pos%3A2%7Cni_st%3AREAD%7Cni_wh%3A1%7Cni_nid%3A686000259082%7Cni_nsid%3A224957733292%7Cni_et%3A1651626023000%7Cni_bn%3A1&_trksid=p2380424.m570.l5997 I really like the deer and the Edelweiss. I am not as much of a fan of the vulcanite stem, but I love that patina on the silver.
Pipe choice 2: Vintage Swiss Made B.B.K. Smoking Tobacco Pipe Sunflower Lightly Smoked | eBay - https://www.ebay.com/itm/284789169366?_trkparms=ni_actn%3Anav%7Cni_nt%3AOUTBID%7Cni_apos%3A4%7Cni_sg%3A1%7Cni_pos%3A4%7Cni_st%3AREAD%7Cni_wh%3A1%7Cni_nid%3A685628943682%7Cni_nsid%3A284789169366%7Cni_et%3A1651974930000%7Cni_bn%3A1&_trksid=p2380424.m570.l5997 I love the bone stem and the patina. If the pipe could talk, I bet it has a story to tell.
Pipe choice 3: Vintage Swiss Made B.B.K. BBK Smoking Tobacco Pipe Lid Chain Cow | eBay - https://www.ebay.com/itm/255508728972?_trkparms=ni_actn%3Anav%7Cni_nt%3AWATCH_ITEM_ENDING_SOON%7Cni_apos%3A1%7Cni_sg%3A1%7Cni_pos%3A1%7Cni_st%3AREAD%7Cni_wh%3A1%7Cni_nid%3A686006129986%7Cni_nsid%3A255508728972%7Cni_et%3A1651630507000%7Cni_bn%3A1&_trksid=p2380424.m570.l5997 This is my least favorite. The pipe itself looks very old, which I love. There's something about the Edelweiss and the ox that just look off. Almost like it was added later, and appears to be of lesser quality than the first two choices. I think it is because of the tarnish on the motifs that doesn't seem to fit. Maybe it was polished recently?