There was an interesting interview with the guy who runs Sutliff (on the Pipes Radio Show, I think? or maybe the Country Squire podcast?) in which they discussed the JC cakes at length. According to him, as I understood it, the point of the double pressing is to simulate the aging process, or at least substitute for it so that you have a freshly tinned product that's ready to smoke. So I guess the idea is that the price premium is what you pay to skip a few years of waiting. Kind of the same thinking behind the hot pressing for MacB HH series, if I'm not mistaken. Something like an industrial scale version of sticking tins in the oven, sous vide, car trunk, garage rafters, etc. Again, that's all if I'm not mistaken and as far as I understand, which is not very far. Kind of sounds like hokum to me, but I'm of course still going to buy at least the Kentucky. Because it's, like, Pressed Twice, which must be better than all that tired old single pressed stuff.