Roth is correct in dating the pipe, however more recent historical information has been uncovered. We all believed that CPF stood for Consolidated Pipe Factory for many years which is not the case. The new research found for CPF is below.
CPF stands for Colossus Pipe Factory. Here is more info on the brand from Bill Feuerbach, President of S.M. Frank Co. Makers of Kaywoodie.
Now as for what CPF means. About 5 or 6 years ago Gary Schrier, pipe book author/publisher and pipe collector from Seattle sent me a copy of page 30 from the Jewelers' Circular dated August 23, 1899. I assume this was a publication for the jewelry trade. On this particular page they have questions for the editor. One question is "Editor of the Jewelers' Circular: Please inform us who manufactures briar pipes with the trade-mark rude cut: C.P.F. Thank you in advance for your trouble and kindness" The answer was "Those letters stand for Colossus Pipe Factory, the business being conducted by Kaufmann Bros. & Bondy, 129 Grand St., New York." This is the same address as on the invoices above. This industry/trade magazine, published at the time the CPF brand was being made, is reporting the C to mean Colossus. So that is proof enough for me. See left hand column at the bottom. CPF was part of KBB from about the late 1880's until around 1915.