Covid, @Grangerous, & Vitamin N

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Well, mi hermano(a)s, in the last several days, here’s the flow:

Mom, dad, baby girl 1, baby girl 2, & wife are all Covid+. Still waiting for my results.

Mom & dad both got pretty sick for a couple days, then were back to criticizing my parenting. (Understandably.)

My wife is on day 3 of the sickest I’ve ever seen her. Not good there, but we’re powering through.

The girls are just sluggish, but the 2yo still has the energy to smack the 6yo right in the face over a Barbie doll. So they’re fine. Fevers kind of come and go. But otherwise fine.

I recall our friend @Grangerous & his wife were both positive over the holidays. Wondering if anybody knows how they’re doing a few weeks later. I recall from his post he was relying heavily on the same thing I am: Vitamin N.

It is interesting, though. I catch literally everything. My wife works in healthcare, & her immune system is like late-80s Arnold. (So basically my physique.) She brings it all home to me. And I apparently have a very thoughtful, receiving immune system. Doesn’t want any bugs to ever feel left out.

But in this situation, I’m feeling perfectly fine. Better than usual, actually, given that it’s winter & cold weather & misery abounds until around 85°. I mean, it’s bizarre that I’m not the one sick as a dog. Only thing I can attribute it to is the tobacco at this point. Fingers crossed I’m not eating those words a week from now.

I mean, I’m also taking a regimen of quercetin, zinc, B complex, D, and a multi. But I’m making sure to supplement with around 3-5 bowls per day.

Prayers certainly appreciated, if you do that sort of thing.


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
Well, mi hermano(a)s, in the last several days, here’s the flow:

Mom, dad, baby girl 1, baby girl 2, & wife are all Covid+. Still waiting for my results.

Mom & dad both got pretty sick for a couple days, then were back to criticizing my parenting. (Understandably.)

My wife is on day 3 of the sickest I’ve ever seen her. Not good there, but we’re powering through.

The girls are just sluggish, but the 2yo still has the energy to smack the 6yo right in the face over a Barbie doll. So they’re fine. Fevers kind of come and go. But otherwise fine.

I recall our friend @Grangerous & his wife were both positive over the holidays. Wondering if anybody knows how they’re doing a few weeks later. I recall from his post he was relying heavily on the same thing I am: Vitamin N.

It is interesting, though. I catch literally everything. My wife works in healthcare, & her immune system is like late-80s Arnold. (So basically my physique.) She brings it all home to me. And I apparently have a very thoughtful, receiving immune system. Doesn’t want any bugs to ever feel left out.

But in this situation, I’m feeling perfectly fine. Better than usual, actually, given that it’s winter & cold weather & misery abounds until around 85°. I mean, it’s bizarre that I’m not the one sick as a dog. Only thing I can attribute it to is the tobacco at this point. Fingers crossed I’m not eating those words a week from now.

I mean, I’m also taking a regimen of quercetin, zinc, B complex, D, and a multi. But I’m making sure to supplement with around 3-5 bowls per day.

Prayers certainly appreciated, if you do that sort of thing.
I never got sick. Wife, Stepson home from College, his girlfriend, both of her parents — all Covid positive.

Me? Caregiver? Negative. I took Zinc, Vitamin C and I puffed happily on at least three bowls per day.

Everyone is fine now and I wish the same for you.


Nov 14, 2020

Colloidal Silver and Oregon Oil are two of the strongest, if not the strongest for Viral infections, as natural supplements go.

Collodial Silver is also anti-bacterial, anti-fungus.

Sovereign Silver is really great stuff.

There are also Adult Repair Stem Cells in our body, but they need certain things to activate them, and make them go to work and repair our bodies.

This is a new area for me, but it’s my understanding, as long as something isn’t permanently damaged in the body, the Adult Repair Stem Cells can fix and correct any problem in the body.

Spriulina, Quercetin, and Astragulus, are suppose to be the simplest three things to take, which activate Adult Repair Stem Cells to go to work in our bodies.

If the body hasn’t reached the point of no return, give it proper nutrition and lifestyle changes, the body can heal and correct itself.

Be well, hope you all get well soon!



Feb 21, 2013
Prayers on the way to those with and without Covid, those following the public health recommendations or their own drummers. We had to grab the recommended stuff, with too many vulnerabilities to discuss.. I've been to the emergency room with my wife too many times until 3 a.m. long before Covid arrived, so we grab any clinical trial approved preventative available. The emergency room these days means the waiting area or the hallway. I'm hoping Omicron shows that the virus is tending toward preserving its hosts to live longer (and spread further, alas). Early on, I showed up at the pharmacy wearing a mask, and the pharm tech at the counter asked me if I was a Covid patient. He wasn't wearing a mask at that point, and I said no, and I hope this mask is as silly as it looks. Seems not. I like the idea of nicotine as a preventative; I'm not a believer in that, but I hope so.


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
My very best wishes for a fast and full recovery to you and your family.

Since Christmas, I know of 40+ cases in my circle of family and friends.

Thankfully most have had mild symptoms only (slight or no fever, sore throat, cough) for a few days. Most back to or almost back to normal by day 5.

3 or 4 have been very ill - high fever, extreme sore throat, cough, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, sense of smell/taste affected, muscle and joint aches&pain and rash. All on road to recovery after 7 days.

I met one of my friends this morning who was one of the worst affected (pre-Christmas). He's back to normal, other than feeling tired.

No one needing hospitalisation so far

Get well soon.


Dec 15, 2021
Well, mi hermano(a)s, in the last several days, here’s the flow:

Mom, dad, baby girl 1, baby girl 2, & wife are all Covid+. Still waiting for my results.

Mom & dad both got pretty sick for a couple days, then were back to criticizing my parenting. (Understandably.)

My wife is on day 3 of the sickest I’ve ever seen her. Not good there, but we’re powering through.

The girls are just sluggish, but the 2yo still has the energy to smack the 6yo right in the face over a Barbie doll. So they’re fine. Fevers kind of come and go. But otherwise fine.

I recall our friend @Grangerous & his wife were both positive over the holidays. Wondering if anybody knows how they’re doing a few weeks later. I recall from his post he was relying heavily on the same thing I am: Vitamin N.

It is interesting, though. I catch literally everything. My wife works in healthcare, & her immune system is like late-80s Arnold. (So basically my physique.) She brings it all home to me. And I apparently have a very thoughtful, receiving immune system. Doesn’t want any bugs to ever feel left out.

But in this situation, I’m feeling perfectly fine. Better than usual, actually, given that it’s winter & cold weather & misery abounds until around 85°. I mean, it’s bizarre that I’m not the one sick as a dog. Only thing I can attribute it to is the tobacco at this point. Fingers crossed I’m not eating those words a week from now.

I mean, I’m also taking a regimen of quercetin, zinc, B complex, D, and a multi. But I’m making sure to supplement with around 3-5 bowls per day.

Prayers certainly appreciated, if you do that sort of thing.
I will certainly be praying for you and all your family


Sep 23, 2020
The best to all forum members, readers and their families.

A few studies in which the protective affect of nicotine
is mentioned in each citation abstract:

Nicotinic cholinergic system and COVID-19: In silico identification of interactions between α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and the cryptic epitopes of SARS-Co-V and SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoproteins

Systematic review of the prevalence of current smoking among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in China: could nicotine be a therapeutic option?

COVID-19-Associated Mortality in US Veterans with and without SARS-CoV-2 Infection


Dec 29, 2010
Pacific NW
Wishing the best for you and your family.

Seriously, I have read repeatedly that nicotine seems to help protect you and prevent the virus. The Chinese even noticed this early in the pandemic. It just doesn't get alot of press due to anti-smoking, but I've seen medical articles that reference it.

Since your wife works in healthcare, keep in touch with her friends at work and they'll make sure she and your family get the care and treatment you need. Good on you for taking care of them all, a handful for sure!


Oct 31, 2014
Evergreen, Colorado
The best to all forum members, readers and their families.

A few studies in which the protective affect of nicotine
is mentioned in each citation abstract:

Nicotinic cholinergic system and COVID-19: In silico identification of interactions between α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and the cryptic epitopes of SARS-Co-V and SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoproteins

Systematic review of the prevalence of current smoking among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in China: could nicotine be a therapeutic option?

COVID-19-Associated Mortality in US Veterans with and without SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Also see…
The Role of Nicotine in COVID-19 Infection